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Places & Regions Gen Resources Geography: more detail |
41. 1Up Travel > Uganda > Travel & Tourism | Tourist Guide To Uganda is predominately rural, and its density is highest in the southern regions. gen. Shoppingin Uganda Find out the best places for shopping in Uganda. http://www.1uptravel.com/international/africa/uganda/ | |
42. Sandals 2.0 Introduction eleven sons who were born in the north (gen 3516 places had unique meanings for themas they have in our 2. We identify the regions of the land, describing the http://www.ancientsandals.com/info_introduction.htm | |
43. Dowling College Social Sciences Page You can search for places, counties or MCDs by entering the history of the countriesand regions of the World gen Web The WorldgenWeb Project is a nonprofit http://www.dowling.edu/library/links/sslink.htm |
44. Scotltish Family History West Lothian Scottish gen Web, West Lothian genealogy Links. West Lothian Research,West Lothian. Scottish Maps, regions and places, County Map of Scotland. http://nzsghamilton.co.nz/scotland.htm | |
45. Cyndi's List - U.S. - Tennessee Get Local Tennessee Counties and regions or Cities Maps, yellow pages KY, VA, NC,SC, GA, AL, WV, and possibly other places. First People of Tennessee; gen. http://www.cyndislist.com/tn.htm | |
46. Nat'l Academies Press, Community And Quality Of Life: (2002), 2 The Importance O economist's distinction between capital, as gen eralized purchasing OF LIFE as incoastal regions, and New Smaller places may change greatly, sometimes with http://www.nap.edu/books/0309082609/html/54.html | |
47. Milan High School Homework Helper Information on regions and places around the world a huge collection about regionsand countries from Afghanistan and Australia, to Uzbekistan Mr. Sharpe's gen. http://scnc.milan.k12.mi.us/hs/hshw.html | |
48. Teaching Jobs Inside the gen. Explore Turkey general information on historical places, townsand cities in A comprehensive travel guide to Turkey, its regions and cities. http://dirs.globalesl.net/cat/186012/ | |
49. Regional Genealogy Information Various Sources; New York Wisconsin regions, including some MoCooper gen Web genealogicalinformation on present is a newsletter, Oregon places lookup and http://www.geneasearch.com/regional.htm | |
50. Gen. Medicine Prevention www.phf.org/HPtools/regions/Region_X.pdf. Smoke Free Workplaces EnhanceSmoking Cessation Programs 9 helpline that offers many resources for tobacco http://www.neclinicians.org/gen__medicine.htm | |
51. Morocco - General Information Natural resources phosphates, iron ore, manganese, lead creating many new provinces/regions;specific details 1991; Spain controls five places of sovereignty http://www.mesteel.com/countries/morocco/ | |
52. Tourism Bibliography, Research Resources, References, in the Arctic Antarctic regions' $71.95 Hardcover Haider, and Irving Rein 'MarketingPlaces Attracting Investment ISBN0139233431 Prentice Hall P gen Re 1994; http://omni.cc.purdue.edu/~alltson/bookss.htm | |
53. Nippon Business Institute: Curriculum or human factors and physical environment in different world regions; research of gen.Bus Note2 The University of Washington places restrictions on the use of http://www.evcc.ctc.edu/template.cfm?doc_id=564 |
54. Researching Polish Heritage broken down by geographic area and places to find LH gen REF 943.8 K189h Kazmierczak,Wiktor A Historical of Polish Towns, Villages, and regions (Except Warsaw http://sjcpl.lib.in.us/homepage/LocalHist/polishher.html | |
55. Ready Reference Web Links At present, 101 countries and regions are covered US gen Web Project Here you'll finda well organized Server This gazetteer is used to identify places to view http://www.rcpl.lib.ca.us/vrd/rref.htm | |
56. The New York State Library's Virtual Research Library: Selected Genealogical Res information relating to particular cities or regions of Canada http//www.cyberpursuits.com/gen/default.asp. http//www.rootsweb.com/~nygenweb/places/names.htm. http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/reference/generef.htm | |
57. PolishRoots - Geography & Maps geography. East and parishes; Der Kreis Flatow Pictures from a rarebook that shows places in Posen during the interwar years. German http://www.polishroots.com/geo_maps.htm | |
58. PolishRoots - Geography & Maps PolishRoots ® geography Maps. mila the value varied in different times and places,but here the Polish or Russian mila is probably meant; it measured http://www.polishroots.com/slownik_glossary.htm | |
59. PolishRoots - Geography & Maps PolishRoots ® geography Maps. In this parish the terrain is level and treeless,overgrown in some places with bushes and covered with marshes. http://www.polishroots.org/slownik/radun.htm | |
60. Geografische Informatie feiten en cijfers) Nijmegen (in cijfers World Gazetteer Population figures for cities,ownsand places. Statistical resources on the Web Overzicht van websites http://www.nirov.nl/ikcro/geo-info.htm | |
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