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81. ARIPRINT AJB 017 Page, 34, Observations and Their Results, planets and Satellites, general Aspects.35, 1, 104, Observations and Their Results, planets and Satellites, Zodiacal Light. http://www.ari.uni-heidelberg.de/publikationen/ajb/ajb017/contents.htm | |
82. ARIPRINT AJB 048 72, 142, planets and Satellites, Earth. 72, 1, 142, planets and Satellites,Earth, general Aspects. 73, 2, 156, planets and Satellites, Moon, general Aspects. http://www.ari.uni-heidelberg.de/publikationen/ajb/ajb048/contents.htm | |
83. HubbleSite - Planets Related Links 1996+34 Hubble Monitors Weather on Neighboring planets (1995) http//hubble.stsci.edu/news_.and._views/pr.cgi.1995+17top Neptune general Information Gallery http://hubblesite.org/discoveries/hstexhibit/planets/links_planets.shtml | |
84. PAS General Articles general Articles. about star names. advanced lesson. astro notes. zelectingan eyepiece. the planets. the solar system (simulator). threed starmap. http://www.astronomical.org/astbook/info.html | |
85. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print Featured Titles in Astrologygeneral Page 1 of 24 next. Everyone born on a givenday will have the same planets in the same signs, but planetary placements in http://www.powells.com/subsection/AstrologyGeneral.html | |
86. General Scholium that penetrates to the very centres of the sun and planets, without suffering areinferred from the phænomena, and afterwards rendered general by induction. http://members.tripod.com/~gravitee/genschol.htm | |
87. Geophysical Research Letters - Vol. 24, No. 15 Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 15 , p. 1903 (97GL01718) keywords 5499 Planetologysolid surface planets; general or miscellaneous PDF. http://www.agu.org/pubs/toc/gl/gl_24_15.html |
88. David's Astronomy - Hobby Diary David's Astronomy Pages Comets, Stars, Moon, planets, general. Images (main),Home Page, Hobby Diary, This Web Page Comets, Stars, Moon, planets, general. http://www.richweb.f9.co.uk/astro/images-general.htm | |
89. Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - Esoteric Astrology - Appendix - The Planets The seven planets are the Sun's brothers and not his sons. (SD Vol. I, 483). 18. The Planetary Spirits, are the informing spirits of the stars in general and http://beaskund.helloyou.ws/netnews/bk/astrology/astr1237.html | |
90. PtyS/LPL Faculty: Dr. Roger Yelle Objects of current interests include the thermal structure of the upper atmospheresof Jovian planets, general circulation models for Titan's upper atmosphere http://www.lpl.arizona.edu/people/faculty/yelle.html | |
91. Ask A High-Energy Astronomer: The Solar System general Astronomy Astrophysics. Resources for this Topic. The Nine planets.Solar System Live (positions of the planets). Views of the Solar System. http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/ask_astro/solar_system.html | |
92. General Astronomy: Lecture Notes: 5 Eudoxus (408355 BC) physical model with compound circular motion for planets. Generalissue raised How does one decide which data are important, which http://www-astro.physics.uiowa.edu/~lam/teaching/general/05.html | |
93. General Information jump to general Information, Contact Administrator Register An Account 1000planets Inc 1000 planets Online http://pub59.ezboard.com/f1000planetsinc27688frm4 | |
94. Astrology Lore - Earthlore Glossary Reference: General Terms For The Study Of As general terms for the Study of Astrology Fixed stars Brighter and prominent stars,not planets, which have particular importance when related to a certain http://www.elore.com/Astrology/Glossary/general.htm | |
95. General Catalog 1993-95 geochemical techniques used to deduce composition and evolution of terrestrial planets. GeneralCatalog http//catalog.arizona.edu/ The University of Arizona http://catalog.arizona.edu/1993-95/ptys.html | |
96. [sci.astro] General (Astronomy Frequently Asked Questions) (2/9) Section Contents News Headers; Introduction; B.00 general; B.01 What good isastronomy anyway? B.09 What are the possessive adjectives for the planets? http://www.faqs.org/faqs/astronomy/faq/part2/preamble.html | |
97. General Information For Astronomy 135: Harvard University Dept Of Astronomy as an example to understand the origin and evolution of planetary systems in general. andmechanisms that give rise to the formation of planets orbiting the http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/hco/astro/academics/classpages/astro135/geninfo.html | |
98. The SARG -Eso - Planets Search Extrasolar planets Links. general. List of Search Programs compiledby Darwin Project; Extrasolar planets Encyclopedia A comprehensive http://www.pd.astro.it/new_sites/ESP/linkspage.htm | |
99. NHAS Library Asimov The Inner planets, Asimov, general, 1995, K Kerchavos, Dec99,CD. Asimov The Outer planets, Asimov, general, 1995, K Kerchavos, Dec-99,CD. http://www.nhastro.com/nhas/library.html | |
100. General Science Newsletter Spring 2000 technology will never be able to detect Earthsized planets, but Kinney said GeneralScience Students Honors Research Jolee Munson and Andrew Ripps will be http://www.uoregon.edu/~gensci/newssp2000.htm | |
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