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Planning Fund Raisers Teach: more detail |
21. Corporate Game Show Planning By Professional Disc Jockey Professor Jam. Disc Joc Parties fund raisers. 4. Competitions In timeline planning we can off-set competitionwith party Game Show Mania can be used to teach your employees a new http://www.djcrazy.com/gameso01.htm | |
22. CCS Chronicles Volume III Number I of how diligently the Academic planning Group sets a tremendous opportunity it wasto teach in a from tuition, comes by three major fund raisers throughout the http://www.clearlight.com/~ccs/Chronicles/V3N1.html | |
23. Brouillet PTA will solicit individuals to teach these classes either The committee may consideralternative fundraisers. will be responsible for planning, coordinating and http://www.brouilletpta.com/comm_desc.html | |
24. PAGE2.HTML teach children. § Home visits. § Payroll. § Administrative Filing. § Staffevaluations. § Purchase orders. § Conduct fund raisers. § Lesson planning. http://wwwstd.enmu.edu/chenauls/PAGE2.HTML | |
25. Al-Awda: Accomplishments conducted and information gathered from attendees to improve planning for future orcosponsored over 20 events in NY (fund-raisers, teach-ins, demonstrations http://www.al-awda.org/accomplishments.htm | |
26. Vauxhall Elementary School Planning Our planning VES Education Plan 2002/2003. teach keyboarding with Type toLearn from Grade 2 to 6. Council will plan fund raisers as required. http://www.horizon.ab.ca/ves/handbook/planning.html | |
27. LPDC | Action Plan 2003 | The New Campaign For Truth And Justice planning outreach efforts, such as regular leafleting in a public place,video showings, or talks. Organize teachins. fund-raisers. http://www.freepeltier.org/action_plan.htm | |
28. Parent-Teen Volunteering: Petaluma High Wildlife Museum teens, plus professional college planning advice where high school students learnand teach each other care for live animals, brainstorm fundraisers to keep http://www.parent-teen.com/volunteer/wildlifemuseum.html | |
29. California Rodeo Salinas Salinas High Math Club's purpose is to teach students practical estimate on the lowend for planning purposes. who participate in 75% of the fund raisers travel http://officialrodeosouvenirs.com/mathclub.html | |
30. Service Awards/Dateline UC Davis/04-21-00 work with K12 students and classroom teachers to teach specific arts arts effortsby providing aesthetic advice to groups planning fund-raisers and arts events http://www-dateline.ucdavis.edu/042100/DL_service.html | |
31. Hunter College Department Of Urban Affairs And Planning It is intended to teach the skills of the a twosemester, 6-credit planning studioto university professors; program planners; fund raisers; consultants; and http://maxweber.hunter.cuny.edu/urban/programs.html | |
32. Questionnaire Statistics Baking, state/federal funds, fund raisers 44. We'd be willing to teach some classes even evening My skills are in conference planning, writing, editing, etc http://www.heclc.org/StatComments.php | |
33. Funding Programs / Artists In Schools & Communities Residency Grants And Mini Gr Residency planning Day Artists set their own residency fees. working in conjunctionwith the science class to teach either or fundraisers, benefits, prizes. http://www.culturalaffairs.org/iac/guidebook/gb10.htm | |
34. Media [ Indiana Youth Institute ] The course will teach youth agency fund raisers how to build a nationally known forits outstanding instruction in fund raising planning and techniques http://www.iyi.org/press_releases/feb1,03trnsb.html | |
35. Summer Program where to catch the bus, or planning a whole by certified Special Education teacherswho teach in the grant writing, telephoning, parent fund raisers, etc., we http://www.autism.com/acap/summer.htm | |
36. Getting To Know Your Giftedness - St. Stephen Catholic Church, Valrico, FL a newly married couple to teach by example for fundraisers Assisting during the fund-raisersJoining boycotts and heal from tragic losses planning or helping http://ststephencatholic.org/yourcalling/ideas.htm | |
37. News I also teach clay art at some of the local For your fund raisers Mimis offersa special Gift Certificates. Dont wait till August to start planning now. http://www.mimiscrafts.com/newsjune.htm | |
38. News I also teach clay art at some of the local school. For your fund raisers Mimi's offersa special Gift Certificate. Don't wait till September, start planning now http://www.mimiscrafts.com/newsaug.htm |
39. Troop Guidelines Plan for Troop activities. teach Scouting skills. The extended Troop leadership attendsthe planning meeting to select monthly activities. OTHER fund raisers http://pages.prodigy.net/4gregorys/Troop95/troop_guidelines.htm | |
40. Parents a chance to do a couple of fund raisers throughout the We are also planning a Justfor Fun white trip, mentor a Confirmation student, help teach Sunday School http://www.geocities.com/tpcyg/parents.html | |
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