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41. Cage Birds Index general information on finches, canaries, budgies, cockatiels, and lovebirds, diseases and harmful plants. http://members.aol.com/offmymedz/birds.html | |
42. EPA - Envirofacts - AIRS/AFS - Tables In PLANTS (GENERAL) CLASSIFICATION Subject Overview Query Model Law Data Source AIRS Home Contact Us EF Home. EF AIRS/AFSLogo Tables in plants (general) CLASSIFICATION Subject Area Model. http://www.epa.gov/enviro/html/airs/plantgen_subj.html | |
43. August General Servicing South Africa Construction Maintenance Project Work Maintenance, construction and project work. Mechanical construction of industrial plants. http://www.augustgeneral.co.za/ | |
44. Kentucky State Implementation Plan Section 401 KAR 50:005. General Application, general application, general ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES. 401 KAR 61075.Steel plants and foundries using existing electric arc furnaces. http://www.epa.gov/region4/air/sips/ky/61~075.htm | |
45. David Beswick's Home Page A diverse collection of interests in church and public affairs, family history, higher education and psychological research, Australian native plants and general information. http://www.beswick.info/ | |
46. CyberStacks(sm) Evolution Of Plants (General) Screen Evolution of plants (general) (QK 980989). QScience, R-Medicine, S-Agriculture,T-Technology, U-Military, V-Naval. QK 981 Genetics. general Works. http://www.public.iastate.edu/~CYBERSTACKS/hyb_qk_10.htm | |
47. Uzinsider S.A. Equipment and complete industrial plants, general contractor for metallurgical, petrochemical, machine building and energy industries. Romania. http://www.uzinsider.ro/ | |
48. Aquatic Plants Resources AquaDirect Aquatic plants Resources general Information. Aquatic plants CatalogAn AquaLink Exclusive. With over 100 species. The Java Fern By Ted Coletti. http://www.aqualink.com/plants/general.html | |
49. Bahr Pump Supplier of pumps and systems to Estonia. Serves general, chemical and petrochemical industry as well as district heating, power plants and water supply. http://www.pump.ee/ |
50. | AFRICANTREES.COM : Homepage A listing of southern african trees with photos, providing general and cultivation information, concentrating on plants suitable as bonsai, potplants or with edible fruit. http://www.africantrees.com/ | |
51. Subject: Protection Of Plants - General Aspects Subject Protection of plants general aspects. Subject Areas (72) Protectionof plants and stored products (8) Protection of plants - general aspects (3). http://diss-epsilon.slu.se/view/subjects/H01.html | |
52. H-NILAS: "Stories For The Seasons" This site features nature stories together with an extensive bibliography for any storyteller, teacher, or general reader who is seeking stories about animals, plants, and the land itself. Hosted by NILAS and HNet. http://www.h-net.msu.edu/~nilas/seasons/ | |
53. NSW Carnivorous Plant Society NSWbased Society supplying information about Carnivorous plants in New South Wales, and Australia in general. http://www15.brinkster.com/nswcps/ | |
54. Books : Plants - General Book Category plants general Tropical Back. TropicalTrees and Shrubs; A Selection for Urban Planting by YC Wee This http://www.naturesnichebooks.com/html/plants_general.htm | |
55. East Everglades Orchid Society Our goals are to educate ourselves and the general public in the classification, evolution and propagation, culture, care, and development of orchids; and to support the conservation of this fascinating group of plants. http://www.orchidseeos.com |
56. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Transport In Plants (General) Looking for the best facts and sites on Transport in plants? This HomeworkCentralsection focuses on 'general' and 'Plant Sciences (Botany)' and 'Life Sciences http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Sci | |
57. IPM-UCONN-Container Gardening How to choose a container, plants, and general information on container gardening. http://www.lib.uconn.edu/CANR/ces/ipm/homegrnd/htms/34cntnr.htm | |
58. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Control System In Plants (General) Looking for the best facts and sites on Control System in plants? This HomeworkCentralsection focuses on 'general' and 'Plant Sciences (Botany)' and 'Life http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Sci | |
59. Aquariumcity.net Worlds Finest Aquariums And Aquatic Systems Provide a range of aquariums including custom built tanks, stands and canopys, reverse osmosis units, pond products, livestock, plants and general aquatic supplies. http://www.aquariumcity.net | |
60. Emily's Links And Resources Garden - Outdoor Plants - General Outdoor plants general Emily's plants Home Page Other important links.Perennials JDS Gardens Home Page Perennials,Herbs,Grasses http://www.emilysplants.com/links/outdoorplants-general.html | |
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