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81. Ian West's Aquaria And Pufferfish Site Contains profiles on saltwater and freshwater species, general information, suitable tank mates and frequently asked questions. Includes articles on water chemistry, plants and culturing snails as live food and a brackish water FAQ. http://www.pufferfish.co.uk/ | |
82. Non-Flowering Plant Families, UH Botany general description of this family of terrestrial, herbaceous, homosporous vascular plants, comprising a single genus with about 15 species. Includes photos of several Equisetum species. http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/carr/equiset.htm | |
83. ENTER-NONEMA Collaborative European research that aims to make plants resistant to parasitic nematodes. Contains background, members list, and general information about the pathogen with video clips. http://nonema.uni-kiel.de | |
84. Fish-Forum.com Includes discussion boards on freshwater, saltwater, sick fish, plants, ponds, general care, brackish water fish, picture gallery, classifieds, and chat room. http://www.fish-forum.com | |
85. Environmental Information Center > Plants > Sewickley Plants > General Home plants Sewickley plants general Relative Sites SewickleyGarden Club The Village Garden Club is united by a love of http://sagan4.einetwork.net/eic/subcategory_page.cfm?LinkSubCatID=236 |
86. The Families Of Flowering Plants - Musaceae Juss. general botanical description and other technical information on Musaceae from Watson Dallwitz's Families of Flowering plants. http://biodiversity.uno.edu/delta/angio/www/musaceae.htm | |
87. 404 Not Found LAND105 Spring Landscape plants. Course Items. general Information. http://www.bgolden.com/colst/cscc-land105/geninfo.htm | |
88. Townsville Branch The local branch of the society, with information on meeting times and dates. Also general information on the society, nurseries around the state, and publications. http://www.sgapqld.org.au/townsville.html | |
89. Kangaroo Biology Information about several kangaroo species, as well as kangaroos in general. http://www.anca.gov.au/plants/wildlife/kangbio.htm |
90. Beginners Site For Growers Of Cactus And Succulent Plants - General Haworthias Back. general Haworthias. Haworthias en masse. A small part of mycollection, showing how many plants can be kept in a small space. http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/alisdairkr/beginners/hawgen.htm | |
91. Iraq Water Project A national project to educate the American public about the effects of economic sanctions against Iraq's civilian population. Information on general effects, as well as maps and information on disabled water treatment plants. http://www.iraqwaterproject.com/ | |
92. 22.08.312 Electric Generating Plants -- General Permit Requirements. Title 22 LAND USE. Chapter 22.08 SPECIAL (S) USES. 22.08.312 Electricgenerating plants general permit requirements. Except as http://www.sloclerkrecorder.org/CountyCode/_DATA/TITLE22/Chapter_22_08_SPECIAL__ | |
93. Index Manufactures, assembles and distributes seating and other parts to the Japanese automotive plants. http://www.gseating.com/ | |
94. 4-H Home Page The central site for 4H in the state of Wisconsin. Information for volunteers, youth, general public and staff. Features forms, publications, certificates, clip art, Also an on-line project guide and on-line projects animals, arts communication, Cloverbuds exploring, environment, family/home/health, leadership, mechanical, outreach programs, plants, and special programs. http://www.uwex.edu/ces/4h/ | |
95. Building A Sphagnum Bog Garden Provides information on building a bog garden using sphagnum moss. Offers site location, materials and plants used. http://www.orchidmall.com/general/sphagbog.htm | |
96. Plant Conservation Alliance - Alien Plant Working Group is a webbased project of the PCA that provides information for the general public, land managers, researchers, and others on the serious threat and impacts of invasive alien (exotic, non-native) plants to the native flora, fauna, and natural ecosystems of the United States. http://www.nps.gov/plants/alien/ | |
97. Indoor Plants - General Care: Further Reading (Green Pages) [Montreal Botanical Translate this page Indoor plants - general Care. Further reading. http://www.ville.montreal.qc.ca/jardin/en/info_verte/pl_int_cult/bibliogr.htm | |
98. Folsom Children's Zoo Lincoln. general information, zoo map and history, list of zoo plants, animal photos, descriptions and videos, habitat information, and educational program summary. http://www.lincolnzoo.org |
99. Www.ibiblio.org/pub/academic/agriculture/sustainable_agriculture/gardening/plant am getting more and more interested in native North American species as they seemto (naturally) do better with less care than imported hybrid species of plants http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/academic/agriculture/sustainable_agriculture/gardenin |
100. Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Tucson. The zoo, natural history museum and botanical garden offers displays of living animals and plants native to the Sonoran Desert. Virtual zoo tour includes animal photos, descriptions, and desert information. Site also has general information, park history, education program sumary, conservation information, and an online gift shop. http://www.desertmuseum.org |
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