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101. Dusty Plasma Physics - The University Of Iowa This is also a highly interdisciplinary area, combining plasma physics, condensedmatter physics, semiconductor technology, astrophysics, and other areas as http://dusty.physics.uiowa.edu/ |
102. BUBL LINK / 515 Internet Resources Plasma Physics enhance the understanding of the role of gravity in physical processes (eg materialsscience, power, propulsion, combustion, fluid physics and plasma physics). http://bubl.ac.uk/link/p/plasmaphysics.htm |
103. PrePRINT Network Plasma Physics And Fusion - Energy, Science, And plasma physics and Fusion. Collections California at San Diego, Universityof Department of Physics, Nonneutral plasma physics Group. http://www.osti.gov/preprints/plasmaphysics.html |
104. Finnish Meteorological Institute Space plasma physics at GEO. Next to research on geomagnetism, space plasma physicsis the second oldest branch at GEO. Space plasma physics personnel. http://www.geo.fmi.fi/PLASMA/ |
105. Laboratory For Laser Energetics Library Has works on thermonuclear fusion, laser physics, plasma physics, xray lasers and diagnostics, and applied optics. Special collections include technical reports and selected Department of Energy microfiche. http://www.lib.rochester.edu/lle/ |
106. Plasma Research -UCSD Physics Department UCSD Physics Department Plasma Research. Plasma Research. Driscoll / Dubin / O'NeilGroup Nonneutral plasma physics; Diamond Group - Fusion/Plasma Theory; http://physics.ucsd.edu/research/plasma/ |
107. Space Plasma Physics Modelling Page Space plasma physics Modeling at the UW. Space plasma physics Modeling at the Universityof Washington / 28 August 2002 / eharnett@geophys.washington.edu http://www.geophys.washington.edu/Space/SpaceModel/modelling.html |
108. East Brunswick High Wins Regional Science Bowl® At PPPL Information and picture from the U.S. Department of Energy's Princeton plasma physics Laboratory about the competition and the consecutive threeyear winner, EBHS. http://www.pppl.gov/news/pages/sci_bowl_2002.html |
109. Experimental Plasma Physics Group Experimental plasma physics Group, Institute for Research in Electronics andApplied Physics, University of Maryland. Experimental plasma physics Group. http://www.ireap.umd.edu/Experimental/ |
110. Univ Of MN Space Plasma Physics Home Page The Space Physics Research Group is Part of the University of Minnesota PhysicsDepartment. Space Physics News. Who's who in the space physics research group. http://ham.spa.umn.edu/spacephys/ |
111. Institute For Fusion Studies A national center for research in theoretical plasma physics and controlled thermonuclear fusion. http://w3fusion.ph.utexas.edu/ifs/ |
112. UCLA BASIC PLASMA PHYSICS RESEARCH LABORATORY UCLA BASIC plasma physics RESEARCH LABORATORY. Prof. These photographs wereobtained in an undergraduate laboratory course in plasma physics. http://www.physics.ucla.edu/plasma-exp/ |
113. Plasma Physics plasma physics. plasma physics is concerned with the studies of hot, diffusegases, where the electrons are dissociated from the atomic nuclei. http://www.physics.auburn.edu/research/plasma.htm |
114. Institute Of Plasma Physics Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic. http://www.ipp.cas.cz/ |
115. Department Of Space And Plasma Physics Courses are offered in space and plasma physics and adjacent subjects on undergraduate-and graduate levels. Uppsala university Space and plasma physics. http://www.irfu.se/rymdfysik/ |
116. UC Irvine Plasma Physics UC Irvine plasma physics. Faculty. Liu Chen Theoretical and computational plasma physicsresearch on fusion and space plasmas, and on coherent radiation sources. http://www.ps.uci.edu/physics/plasma.html |
117. Institute Of Plasma Physics Of The Academy Of Sciences, Czech Republic Research on tokamaks, plasma heating, plasma turbulence, electron beam plasma interaction, plasma chemistry, plasma decomposition or synthesis, pulsed capillary discharge, pulsed corona discharge, arc discharge, plasma spraying, atmospheric pressure non-equilibrium plasmas. http://www.cas.cz/en/UFP.html |
118. Princeton University Library E-journals Browse Titles A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Browse by Subjectplasma physics Annual review of energy and the environment 21(1996)+; http://libweb5.princeton.edu/ejournals/browse_zd.asp?index=Subject&key=Plasma Ph |
119. MIT Physics Department Nuclear Physics Department of Physics, the host of the Alcator CMod tokamak experiment.Category Science Physics Plasma Laboratories......plasma physics. Faculty and senior scientists in this area of research http://web.mit.edu/physics/research/plasma_physics.htm |
120. Astro/Plasma Ph.D. Program Astrophysics and plasma physics Atomic, Molecular, andChemical Physics Biophysics Astrophysics and plasma physics. http://www.aep.cornell.edu/eng10_page.cfm?webpageID=24 |
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