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101. Easter Seals Colorado - Post Polio Support You are visitor since October 24, 1997. Post polio Library. post polio mailinglists (for Email only). Mail List address. To Subscribe send an E-Mail to http://www.eastersealsco.org/postpolio/postpolio.html |
102. The Origin Of AIDS, HIV, And The First Cases Of AIDS Where did HIV and AIDS come from? Chimpanzees or patient zero or the polio Vaccine. A brief overview of current thought. http://www.avert.org/origins.htm |
103. Polio Vaccine polio Vaccine. What is polio? poliomyelitis (polio, for short) iscaused by a virus. The virus How can polio be prevented? You can http://familydoctor.org/handouts/333.html |
104. Polio Eradication The Commission, on this day, declares the European Region poliofree.Click here to view the Certificate issued by the Commission. http://www.who.dk/eprise/main/who/progs/POL/home |
105. New Hope India Organization working with people who have leprosy. Raises funds for crippled childrens polio surgery. Donors needed for street children rehabilitation. Also accepts other help from volunteers. http://www.zyworld.com/newhopeindia/ |
106. Fear Of Polio In The 1950s (Beth Sokol) Fear of polio in the 1950s. © 1997, Beth Sokol. Paralytic poliomyelitis, polio , held a reign of terror over this nation for decades. http://www.inform.umd.edu/HONR/HONR269J/.WWW/projects/sokol.html |
107. SÃndrome Postpolio Madrid. Informacion sobre polio y sndrome postpolio, objetivos, suscripci³n, asociados, artculos, novedades, enlaces y denuncias. http://www.postpolioinfor.org/ |
108. The Polio Vaccine And SV40 In 1996, we posted the ChronicIllNet.org interview with former polio vaccine researcherBen Sweet who, in 1960, published the first scientific paper reporting http://www.chronicillnet.org/online/bensweet.html |
109. PPS Related Events, Seminars And Conferences Calendar of noncommercial events concerning post-polio syndrome. http://www.skally.net/ppsc/event.html |
110. Computers For Handicapped Independence Program If you have information on new products please let us know. You can contact usat Email dr_bill@polio.dyndns.org or by regular mail at 621 N. 16th Ave. http://polio.dyndns.org/chip/ |
111. Disease Information Poliomyelitis - Travel Medicine Program - Top of the page Disease profile poliomyelitis, or polio, is an acute infectious diseasecaused by one of three gastrointestinal viruses, either poliovirus type http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/pphb-dgspsp/tmp-pmv/info/polio_e.html |
112. Information Sur La Poliomyélite - Programme De Médecine Des Translate this page Top of the page Profil de la maladie La poliomyélite, ou polio, est unemaladie infectieuse aiguë causée par un virus gastrointestinal. http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/pphb-dgspsp/tmp-pmv/info/polio_f.html |
113. Quellenhof Neurologisches RehaZentrum, spezialisiert auf die Behandlung von Multiple Sklerose, und anderen neurologischen Erkrankungen wie Schlaganfall und Post-polio. http://www.quellenhof.de |
114. PPS Survey A survey for polio survivors with PPS http://www.skally.net/pps_survey/ |
115. Polio Quebec Français. English. http://www.polioquebec.org/ |
116. Le District 1780 Du Rotary International 46 Rotary clubs et plus de 1600 rotariens Rhonealpes qui oeuvrent pour la paix dans le monde, pour l'©radication de la polio. http://www.rotary1780.org |
117. Polio And The Era Of Fear Fall 1994 polio and the era of fear. Millions of Americans had taken theSalk and Sabin antipolio vaccines by 1962, and an era of fear ended. http://www.uthscsa.edu/mission/fall94/polio.htm |
118. La Rochelle-Aunis Pr©sentation du club et de la r©gion, tribune libre, programme polio plus , le SIDA, moteur de recherche, formulaire de contact. http://www.rotary-17aunis.com/ |
119. PPASS Post polio Awareness Support Society of British Columbia. Thissite is best viewed with Internet Explorer. News Flash the http://www.ppass.bc.ca/ |
120. Prinses Beatrix Fonds Het Prinses Beatrix Fonds spant zich sinds 1956 in om de kwaliteit van leven van pati«nten met polio, MS, Parkinson, Huntington en ruim 600 andere spierziekten en aandoeningen zo hoog mogelijk te houden. http://www.beatrix.nl/ |
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