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1. Native Americans native americans back to social studies link index music used in traditional nativeAmerican Pow potawatomi ; Pokagon Band of potawatomi indians; Prairie Band of http://killeenroos.com/link/amind.html | |
2. Native American Resources potawatomi. The Gnadenhutten Massacre of Christian indians. Miami indians CDROM. Michigan's native americans. native http://www.cowboy.net/native | |
3. ReferenceResources:NativeAmericans Beothuk. Kickapoo. Narragansett. potawatomi. Catawba. Mahican. Nauset. Sauk How the Hopi indians Reached Their World. Hopi indians native americans of the Southwest http://www.kidinfo.com/American_History/Native_Americans.html | |
4. Encyclopedia Smithsonian: Native American Resources Genealogical Research for native americans. Arctic Studies Center Plains indians Reading List. Pocahontas and Powhatan Tribe, Reading List. potawatomi and Menominee, Reading List http://www.si.edu/resource/faq/nmai/start.htm | |
5. Willard Library - Photographs From Battle Creek's History - Native Americans Home, Streets, photos, native americans, Indian village at the Calhoun CountyFair, Marshall; potawatomi indians resting after the dance, Athens; http://www2.willard.lib.mi.us/bcphotos/native_americans/ | |
6. Compact Histories An ongoing web project that aims to provide extensive histories of all major tribes of native americans.Category Society Ethnicity native americans History...... Although often thought of as Canadian indians and French allies, they trade routes,including the Mohawk Trail, which linked native americans in the potawatomi. http://www.tolatsga.org/Compacts.html | |
7. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Native Americans (Wisconsin) 17951846); The Age of native-American Conflict Online Article on MAHICAN indians;Mahican History; Mohican timeline. potawatomi Geographic Location of potawatomi http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/His | |
8. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Native Americans (Iowa) United States History State Histories Iowa native americans. potawatomi (ColumbiaEncyclopedia); potawatomi indians (Catholic Encyclopedia); potawatomi Web; http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/His | |
9. Books On Native American Indians potawatomi indians of Michigan, 18431904, Including some Ottawa and Chippewa, 1843-1866,and potawatomi of Indiana by Gordon M. Day (native americans of the http://www.dropbears.com/b/broughsbooks/history/native_americans.htm | |
10. A Bibliography Of Books About Indians/Natives Americans Of The Old Northwest ISBN 155546-725-3. The potawatomi indians by Otho Winger. (1939). Elgin, ILThe Elgin Press. Books about native americans/indians of the Midwest http://users.anderson.edu/~roebuck/books.html | |
11. Indians/Native Americans Of Indiana, Ohio, & Michigan Miami The Delaware The Delaware The potawatomi The Gnadenhutten Massacre of Christianindians Miami indians CDROM Michigan's native americans native americans http://users.anderson.edu/~roebuck/midwest.html | |
12. Miller History: Native Americans And Early Exploration Miller History native americans and Early Exploration. in 1653, but the Miami indianswere driven of the 17th century, replaced by potawatomi indians who moved http://www2.crown.net/sspicer/miller/hist_na.html | |
13. Native American Culture indians; Zuni and Hopi native americans; Zuni fetishes; potawatomi Nationindians tribe; The Illinois Indian tribes. © 2002 Pagewise, Inc. http://www.essortment.com/in/Culture.Native.American/ | |
14. People Of The Plains: Native Americans In Kansas Trunk Introductory Lesson An Overview of native americans in Kansas. Comanche MedicineMan; Comanche Medicine Man; Kansa dog dance; potawatomi indians at a Sun Dance; http://www.kshs.org/teachers/trunks/native.htm | |
15. Books, Native Americans $35.00. 903. native americans The Nature Company Discoveries Library. $16.00. 559.native Arts of North America. 949. The potawatomi indians of North Ameican Series. http://www.kshs.org/shop/books/booklist_native_americans.htm | |
16. Index Of Native American History Resources On The Internet Madison University in the native americans section of a short biography Articles on indians from the Online Band Affiliation of potawatomi Treaty Signatories http://www.hanksville.org/NAresources/indices/NAhistory.html | |
17. Cyndi's List - Native American in the Ottawa, Chippewa, and potawatomi tribes. historical, or cultural interestin the Cherokee native americans. interest in the Tuckahoe indians, part of http://www.cyndislist.com/native.htm | |
18. St. John The Evangelist Catholic Church -- Native Americans And Catholicism native americans and Catholicism Links to Information. Piscataway indians (MarylandUS), potawatomi indians. Pre-Columbian Discovery of America, Pueblo indians. http://www.globalthinking.com/stjohn/nativeamericans.htm | |
19. Native American - Wikipedia Oklahoma; Piegan; Ponca Nebraska, Oklahoma; potawatomi Oklahoma, Wisconsin; in NorthAmerica, even by native americans themselves, many referred to as East indians http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_American | |
20. George Rogers Clark NHP: Native Americans On The Trans-Appalachian Frontier map of native American Tribes in region (Click to The indians' major tactic was surprise;this, combined THE potawatomi were split in their allegiance during http://www.nps.gov/gero/indians.htm | |
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