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1. Midwifery, Pregnancy. Birth, Childbirth, Breastfeeding Resources on midwifery, pregnancy and raising children. Includes a detailed explanation of the role of the midwife and how to become one. Spirit. Child family Articles from Nanny's Place from fertility problems through pregnancy and birth to childhood Speaks Magical Journeys science and science Fiction Free Stuff http://www.efn.org/~djz/birth/birthindex.html | |
2. Teen Pregnancy Teen Pregnancy Title XX Title XX Adolescent Pregnancy Adolescent their infants, male partners, and family members in an premarital sexual relations,adolescent pregnancy and parenting. of Public Health and science Office of http://opa.osophs.dhhs.gov/titlexx/oapp.html | |
3. Omniseek: /Family /Pregnancy / Politics. Real Estate. Recreation. science Tech. Shopping. Sports. Travel (http//www.urban.org/family/invmales. html). BabyZone pregnancy, family Planning, and Parenting http://www.omniseek.com/srch/{4407} | |
4. Welcome To The Department Of Human Development And Family Science environments, risky behavior in adolescents such as teen pregnancy, substance abuse Copywrite2000, Department of Human Development family science Website by http://www.hec.ohio-state.edu/hdfs/outreach/ | |
5. Omniseek: /Health /Medicine /Obstetrics /Home: Family: Pregnancy / Politics. Real Estate. Recreation. science Tech. Shopping. Sports. Travel Lycos Home gt; Home gt; family gt; pregnancy pregnancy . BabyZone! pregnancy , family Planning and http://www.omniseek.com/srch/{27715} | |
6. Adolescent Pregnancy, Volume 3, Issue 4, Winter 1998 Development family science ~ College of Human Ecology Ohio State University ExtensionHuman Development and family Life Bulletin. Adolescent pregnancy Volume 3 http://www.hec.ohio-state.edu/famlife/bulletin/volume.3/bull34xx.htm | |
7. Omniseek: Health: /Health /Medicine /Obstetrics /Home: Family: Pregnancy / Politics. Real Estate. Recreation. science Tech. Shopping. Sports. Travel Lycos Home gt; Home gt; family gt; pregnancy pregnancy . BabyZone! pregnancy , family Planning and http://health.omniseek.com/srch/{27715} | |
8. Nimco - Family And Consumer Science The Complete Having a Baby Video Series (4 Videos). NIMSM-HABS-VW. $379.95. Childbirth Infant Care (23 min. Video). NIM-SM-HAB4-VW. $99.95. Prenatal Care (Video). http://family.nimcoinc.com/productListing.asp?subCategory=videos&itemCategory=pr |
9. LINK-MAIL: Family, Health Tips, Pregnancy, Kids Education And The Human Body Magic City Campus family Consumer science Instructors, pictured from the left Mary Gross, Current topics such as teen pregnancy, birth defects, child abuse, discipline and http://www.link-mail.com/50100.html | |
10. Four Garner 2001 Consumer And Family Science Awards in adolescents such as teen pregnancy, substance abuse and school failure and stressful family Department of Human Development family science Website by bigfatego Contact the http://news.uns.purdue.edu/UNS/html3month/011019.Branson.cfs.html | |
11. AMA (Medical Science) Family History Tools Please feel free to use the any of the family history tools below that care providerto gather information from a couple either prior to pregnancy or during a http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/category/2380.html | |
12. Advanced Book Search .Com endingrelationships enrico-fermi entomology environmental-science epilepsy-drugsepilepsy etopic-pregnancy exercise expert-systems family-relationships fan http://advancedbooksearch.com/welcome.htm | |
13. Family And Consumer Science Fact Sheet Index family and Consumer science Series Index. Ours In Stepfamilies, HYG5292-95; familyCommunication Overcoming Teenage pregnancy and A Healthy Lifestyle, HYG-5296 http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/5000/ | |
14. Books By Pregnancy And Parenting Book Author Ann Douglas Publishing, 2000) A compassionate guide to pregnancy after miscarriage The prequel to Baby science. The family Tree Detective Cracking The Case of Your http://www.having-a-baby.com/list.htm | |
15. FamilyFun: Raising Kids Crafts and Games Five Weird science Experiments 21 Kids Choosing the RightPuppy for Your family. Primer Potty Training Guide Your Healthy pregnancy. http://familyfun.go.com/raisingkids/ | |
16. Child Development And Family Sciences CDFS majors who pursue the family science option may Social Services, The Villagefamily Service Center Health Services pregnancy Crisis Centers or Planned http://www.ndsu.edu/cdfs/FamilyScienceOption.html | |
17. ExpertCentral.com Jobs/Careers Resumes, interviews, tips science Biology, space, geography Health/FitnessDiseases, medicine Parenting/family pregnancy, family fun http://www.expertcentral.com/ | |
18. Magazine Articles On Parenting & Pregnancy (current) Location Categories / family Home / Parenting pregnancy. Magazine articles onpregnancy and parenting. science News March 15, 2003 Janet Raloff, Unexpected http://www.magportal.com/c/home/parent/ | |
19. HCPS-Family Life Recommendations long and is a component of the science curriculum family Life and Human Developmentcontent is taught in emergency health care, disease, teen pregnancy (one week http://www.co.ha.md.us/harford_schools/familylife.htm | |
20. Top Childcare Sites Chosen By Type Editors Baby, Baby Names, Diapers, family, Parenting , pregnancy Women. Home Cooking, family,Women, Home Improvement science and Technology Alt science, Computer science http://www.typechildcare.com/ | |
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