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1. Housing, Care And Well-Being Of Captive And Laboratory Primates A detailed study, with recommendations, on the housing, care and psychological wellbeing of captive and laboratory primates by 50 recognized contributors. Psychological Well-being of Captive primates general Considerations and Examples from Callitrichids http://www.williamandrew.com/titles/1201.html | |
2. Nat'l Academies Press, Nutrient Requirements Of Nonhuman Primates (1978), Genera GENERAL ASPECTS OF NUTRITION Nonhuman primates are currently being utilized in laboratory studies that involve a wide spectrum of the biological and behavioral scien http://www.nap.edu/books/0309027861/html/4.html | |
3. Pathology Of Simian Primates: General Pathology Richard Nathaniel Twisleton-Wyke Pathology of Simian primates general Pathology Richard Nathaniel TwisletonWykeham-Fiennes. Subject Title Pathology of Simian primates general Pathology http://www.book-planet.co.uk/Richard-Nathaniel-Twislet-Pathology-of-Simian-Prima | |
4. General Organizations Indriidae Lemuridae Lorisidae Megaladapidae Tarsiidae Complete List OrganizationsChimpanzees Gorillas Orangutans Other primates general Other Areas Primate http://primates.virtualave.net/genorgs.shtml |
5. GeoZoo's Top 50 Mammal Books! books about Mammals! (January 1999). primates general Reference, Gorillas,Chimpanzees, Bonobos, People! The Pictorial Guide http://www.geobop.com/GeoBooks/Animals/Mammals/ | |
6. Untitled Document primates. primates in general. What makes a primate? http://www.szgdocent.org/pp/p-main.htm | |
7. Prehistoric Cultures, University Of Minnesota Duluth Anthropology in the News. Translation. general Information Contemporary primates. Contemporary Chart http://www.d.umn.edu/cla/faculty/troufs/anth1602/pcprim.html | |
8. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Biology Of Primates (General) SCHOOL BEYOND Science Life Sciences (Biology) Animal Sciences (Zoology) Animals by Familiar Name Apes Monkeys (primates) general Biology of http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Mat | |
9. The Primates: Topic Menu Taxonomy and general characteristics of prosimians, monkeys, apes, and humans. http://anthro.palomar.edu/primate/ | |
10. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Biology Of Primates (General) MIDDLE SCHOOL Science Life Sciences (Biology) Animal Sciences (Zoology) Animals by Familiar Name Apes Monkeys (primates) general Biology of http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/Middle_School/M | |
11. Untitled Document The primates an introduction to the taxonomy and general characteristics of theliving primates by Dennis O'Neil of Palomar College lots of info on taxonomy http://www.szgdocent.org/pp/p-biblio.htm | |
12. Primate Conservation And Welfare Society, TheContains Action Alerts, Membership Primaten (Algemeen) primates (general). Taxonomy of primates. Fleagle (1999) Taxonomy of the primates http://www.primates-online.com/ |
13. African Primates At Home Photos, audio, and information about wild monkeys and apes studied by primatologist Dr. MK Holder Category Science Biology Zoology Chordates Mammalogy Primatology......African primates at Home. SEE and HEAR, Some of the primates I study on theirhome turf in East Africa general CLASSIFICATION African great ape. http://www.indiana.edu/~primate/primates.html | |
14. Primates 590Animals primates. Chimpanzees. Gorillas. Orangutans. primates-general Sites primates-general Sites. Zoom Apes http://www.beavton.k12.or.us/hiteon/library/590ape.html | |
15. GENERAL INTEREST PRIMATE READING LIST 1994 general INTEREST PRIMATE READING LIST 1994. 6850305 Email psic@u.washington.eduSuggested Altman, Stuart A. Social Communications Among primates Univ of http://www.primate.wisc.edu/pin/prcya/genint.html | |
16. Primates (prehistoric) -- Tim Roufs -- University Of Minnesota Duluth (Belmont, CA Wadsworth / Thomson Learning, 2002). general Information Prehistoric primates http://www.d.umn.edu/cla/faculty/troufs/anth1602/pcprimpr.html | |
17. Re: Are Primates Persons? (An Actual General Assembly Workshop Premise) Re Are primates Persons? (An actual general Assembly workshop premise). Follow Ups Post Followup CFUU.ORG WWWBoard FAQ http://www.cfuu.org/wwwboard2/messages/856.html | |
18. Are Primates Persons? (An Actual General Assembly Workshop Premise) Are primates Persons? (An actual general Assembly workshop premise). Follow Ups Post Followup CFUU.ORG WWWBoard FAQ http://www.cfuu.org/wwwboard2/messages/848.html | |
19. The Primates: Topic Menu primates The Taxonomy and general Characteristics of Prosimians,Monkeys, Apes, and Humans. TOPICS, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, http://anthro.palomar.edu/primate/default.htm | |
20. Early Primate Evolution: The First Primates A result was the general disappearance of primates from these northernareas. However, global climates were still warmer than today. http://anthro.palomar.edu/earlyprimates/first_primates.htm | |
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