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1. Tarapoto, Peru The Federation of quechua indigenous peoples of the Region San Martin FEIKRESAN is the organization that unites the QuechuaLamista population. http://www.geocities.com/tarapoto_peru/lamas.html | |
2. Projectsites:bolivia Translate this page 100.000 Aymara and quechua indigenous peoples, and in the Eastern-Chaqueño regionthe municipalities of Urubicha and Ascension de Guarayos inhabited by 20.000 http://www.unesco.org/danida/sitebol.htm | |
3. Jay's Native Americans And Indigenous Peoples Links Native Americans and indigenous peoples Links. Abya Yala Net (South and Meso American Indian Rights Center) Cultures of the Andes quechua Songs Poems, Stories, Photos. http://www.neravt.com/left/directory/subjects/native.htm | |
4. Bill's Aboriginal Links: International (Peru) World Heritage Sites in Peru quechua/Runasimi The Aymara Page indigenous peoples in Chile Mapuche Page The Guarani http://www.bloorstreet.com/300block/aborintl.htm | |
5. CONAIE A nonpartisan human rights and environmental advocacy group representing the indigenous peoples of Ecuador. Site in Spanish, English, French, and quechua, gives current projects and alerts as well as related links. http://conaie.nativeweb.org/ | |
6. ATAGU - Debat: Indigenous Peoples In The Americas indigenous population is estimated to be as high as seventyfive percent of the national population. The two most numerous peoples are the quechua http://www.atagu.gl/debat/indlaeg/1997/97011004.htm | |
7. The Magazine Of The ILO: WORLD OF WORK No. 40 - Indigenous And Tribal Peoples An world's estimated 300 million indigenous and tribal peoples. In 1991, the ILO's growth of ancient indigenous languages, such as the quechua or aymara. quechua, for example http://www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/inf/magazine/40/tribal.htm | |
8. Ultimas Noticias Sobre La Cultura Quechua Ultimas Noticias sobre la cultura quechua. OAS Opens Meeting to Look at Right forHemisphere's indigenous peoples OAS/OEA Washington, DC - USA - (Posted on Mar http://www.quechuanetwork.org/news_template.cfm?news_id=43&lang=s |
9. Quechua Ingles Español Frances OAS Opens Meeting to Look at Right for Hemisphere's indigenous peoples OAS/OEA Washington, DC - USA - (Posted on Mar-14-2002) Click to view The opening http://www.quechuanetwork.org/news_template.cfm?lang=q&news_id=43 |
10. Indigenous Peoples Rights indigenous peoples including native Americans and Canadians, Australian Aborigines, New Zealand Maoris, and South American quechua http://www.converge.org.nz/pma/indiun.htm | |
11. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Society - Community & Cultures - Indi A great resource for United States New - Library - Society - Community Cultures - indigenous peoples - Inca/quechua. Find the http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=10133968 |
12. Indigenous Peoples Of Latin America Guarani, Lenca, quechua, Yaqui. Interlibrary Loan Many specialized materialson indigenous peoples are available from libraries other than Scribner. http://www.skidmore.edu/irc/library/courses/Indigenous/ | |
13. Info 21: Indigenous Resources On The Internet Decade of the World's indigenous peoples and the United IDRC Publications Workingwith indigenous Knowledge. quechua Language Homepage (Internet quechua Lessons http://www.undp.org/info21/sector/s-c-indi.html | |
14. Europa - Developement / Indigenous Peoples In The Development quechuaspeaking peoples in the. Andean region. It is for local actors to explore. and define the local implications and. connotations of being indigenous http://europa.eu.int/comm/development/briefing/briefing08_en.pdf |
15. South American Indigenous Peoples Source NAVA's flags of Native American peoples www pages. have been adopted for theindigenous organizations of called a whipala (= banner) in quechua language http://www.flags-by-swi.com/fotw/flags/sam-nat.html | |
16. Indigenous Peoples Of Peru Face Colour Gap Peru for the International Day of indigenous peoples, an indicator of the marginalisation and discrimination the majority indigeous groups, the quechua and the Aymara of the Andean http://www.converge.org.nz/pma/a200899a.htm | |
17. Steven Geiger Development). quechua Network, (contributed to indigenous peoples). ASurvey of indigenous Land Tenure, (contributed to indigenous peoples). http://www.developmentgateway.org/indigenousrights/dg-directory/shared/community |
18. Indigenous Reference Site Where indigenous peoples Live Source The Health of indigenous peoples Compiled by Ethel (Wara) Alderete World Health Organization (WHO), 1999. WHERE indigenous peoples LIVE Pawnee. Miskito. Shurar (Jivaro). quechua. Naga. Torres Strait http://www.ukans.edu/~insp/referencesite.html | |
19. Indigenous Peoples In Latin America indigenous peoples of Mexico; Instituto Nacional Indigenista; Museo de las Culturas IncaEmpire; quechua Songs, Poems, Stories, Photos; Words On quechua; The Incas; http://www.auswebcom.com.au/lacomunidad/indigenous.html | |
20. Indigenous Peoples Translate this page Las dificultades en el análisis del texto se dieron en la traducciónde la versión original del castellano al quechua y viceversa. http://www.itpcentre.org/trad_pachamama.htm | |
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