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121. Randall W. Gerlach's Homepage Essays and articles by Randall W. Gerlach. Topics include racism, feminism and politics. http://www.geocities.com/randallgerlach |
122. Eloquent Fury Articles by columnist Alicia Banks dealing with racism and gay and lesbian issues. http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/5224/ |
123. Race And Racial Issues From A Christian Point Of View - racism, Racial Issues and Christianity Answers to FrequentlyAsked-Questions. Click here. One Blood - The Biblical Answer to racism. Order Here. http://www.christiananswers.net/race.html |
124. Czech Government Tries To Infiltrate The International Romani Union From the Internet Center for Antiracism Europe. http://www.icare.to/archivemay2000.html#CZECH GOVERNMENT TRIES TO INFILTRATE THE |
125. Zionism Is Racism Petition A petition to the world written by Lillie Haikal and Omar Qabbani. http://www.petitiononline.com/unzio/petition.html |
126. National Coalition On Racism In Sports And The Media Official website. Advocates against negative representation of all minority status groups. Actions, events, newsletters, board roster, FAQ, links. http://www.aics.org/NCRSM/index.htm |
127. Reason Vs Racism racism demands that one judges other by the color of their skin andnot by the content of their character. Reason vs racism opposes http://www.reasonvsracism.com/ |
128. Fellow Travellers Jack Straw is alone in his certainty about who a Gypsy is. Guardian Unlimited http://www.newsunlimited.co.uk/racism/Story/0,2763,76343,00.html |
129. The Roots Of Racism The Roots of racism. This can lead to associating negative characteristics to anyonewho is not part of your group and hence create attitudes such as racism. http://members.aol.com/markr13/ |
130. United For Intercultural Action European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees. http://www.united.non-profit.nl/ |
131. AfricaOnline.com - Africa And Racism All about race, racism and prejudice from an African perspective.Category Society Issues Race and racism...... Africa and racism. Top on AfricaOnline.com. Sudan Civilians safer?Staff Reporter. Wronged? Persecuted? Victimised? Victims of racism? http://www.africaonline.com/site/africa/racism.jsp |
132. The Toronto Coalition Against War And Racism Action oriented collective committed to denouncing and opposing war, racism, and imperialism. Goals, action alerts, photos and reports of previous actions, articles, and resources. http://free.freespeech.org/marquelinques/CoalitionAgainstWar&Racism.html |
133. Guardian Unlimited Special Reports Special Report Race In The move comes amid concern that neglect of their views has worsened racial tensionin Britain. Football and racism. (6mins 32). racism in the Conservative party. http://www.guardian.co.uk/racism/0,2759,180308,00.html |
134. European Research Center On Migration And Ethnic Relations Research, resources on migration, racism and ethnicity. http://www.ercomer.org/ |
135. Q A Racism How Has Evolution Contributed To Racism And Questions and Answers racism. Topic Index racism Recommended Resources. WhereDid Cain Get His Wife? How has evolution contributed to racism and violence? http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/faq/racism.asp |
136. Guardian Special Report Race In Britain Ongoing coverage including archives of news, analysis, commentary and backgrounders. Links to official commissions, cases, government reports and Channel 4 video clips. http://www.guardian.co.uk/racism |
137. Empty Notes from a training session.Category Society Issues Race and racism......Undoing racism Training conducted at W. Palm Bch, Florida April 46, 2000 by PeopleUnited for Survial and Beyond Notes taken by John Little Society is built http://www.floridacdc.org/roundtable/docs/undoing.htm |
138. Racism II. racism. UNIT II racism. 1.The student will be able to define and give examplesof anti-Irish racism, and relate them to the Irish Famine experience. http://www.nde.state.ne.us/SS/irish/unit_2.html |
139. Racism Links Back Home Next . racism Links. USA, Canada, Europe. USAracism America's Original Sin An Interview with Dr. Loretta Williams. http://www.saxakali.com/CommunityLinkups/racism.htm |
140. Antiracist.com Includes detailed articles dealing with issues of race and racism. http://www.antiracist.com |
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