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61. RIFNet Show 405: Reading To Learn addition to helping students better master textbooks, educators have also been exploringreading options other than the traditional textbook that children can http://www.rifnet.org/405/405_index.htm | |
62. FamilyFun: Activities-Games: Love Of Reading Books helping children fall in love with books has been a personal crusade of mine for years,I've discovered that avid readers acquire their love of reading at home http://familyfun.go.com/raisingkids/learn/activities/feature/famf0600books/ | |
63. Details- Children United- Children Helping Children- Dallas, Texas We intend to do this by implementing the following programs TutoringVolunteering will assist the children in their reading skills. http://www.childrenunited.com/Details.asp?ID=18 |
64. Helping Children Succeed In School - Learning Styles ActivitySpell words suitable to your child's reading level. helping ChildrenSucceed in School was developed by Darla Binkley, Extension Educator, Youth http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/succeed/04-learningstyles.html | |
65. Helping Children Stay Safe - Cribs, Beds, Dressers And More - Baby And Toy Super Protect Your Family Bedtime reading for Everyone For more information about protecting thinkparents may find interesting, plus two picture books for children. http://www.babyandtoy.com/read.html | |
66. PBS Parents. Talking & Reading Together. About This Site | PBS While some children read just at grade level, others may be reading several grade Parentsplay a significant role in helping children become readers and writers http://www.pbs.org/parents/issuesadvice/talkingandreading/about_site.html | |
67. NEA's Read Across America: Resources/Put Reading First, Helping Your Child Learn makers, and others with an interest in helping all people Success in school startswith reading. When children become good readers in the early grades, they http://www.nea.org/readacross/resources/readingfirst.html | |
68. Collections Grade 1 Sample Theme Going Places Selection The Story of a Blue Bird Additional reading. SampleStory Map. Tips for parents on helping children become better readers. http://www.harcourtschool.com/menus/preview/collections/g1.html | |
69. Lesley University : Hood Children's Literacy Project 8226 Hood children's Literacy Project 29 Everett Street / Cambridge, MA 021382790eruthstr@mail.lesley.edu. CURRENTS IN LITERACY. helping Teens Reverse reading http://www.lesley.edu/academic_centers/hood/currents/v3n1/Curtis.html | |
70. Learning How To Read With Literacy Dynamics - Helping Children To Read That Have helping children that have reading problems /a /td /tr /table p font face=LiteracyDynamics joins the two most important influences in each child's http://www.learninghowtoread.com/ | |
71. Helping Children Overcome Difficulties: HealthyPlace.com Parenting Community helping children Overcome reading Difficulties. by Carl B. Smith andRoger Sensenbaugh ERIC Digest 1992. ED 344190. Almost everyone http://www.healthyplace.com/Communities/parenting/cdi/learning/remedial_reading. | |
72. DfEE: A Little Reading Goes A Long Way Governors Teachers. National Year of reading. A little reading goesa long way helping with your children's reading. Learning at home http://www.dfes.gov.uk/read/ | |
73. Welcome To Very Best Kids helping your children develop reading skills. reading is a fundamentalpart of your child's education. And, while the schools teach http://kyky.essortment.com/literacydevelop_rxwg.htm | |
74. The WiLEARNS (Literary Education And Reading Network System) meaning. Activities for helping children Develop Making Meaning fromPrint Praise children for their reading and writing attempts. http://www.wilearns.com/default.asp?cid=61 |
75. Terrorism And Children: Helping Children Cope With Stress reading books and discussing issues with your child can help assist in What followsis a list of suggestions for helping to prepare your children for a http://www.ces.purdue.edu/terrorism/helpingchildren.html | |
76. Helping Young Children Cope With Trauma helping Young children Cope with Trauma. As in younger children, sleep problems canappear. sharing their experiences in groups, reading, creative writing or http://www.redcross.org/services/disaster/keepsafe/childtrauma.html | |
77. SA\VE SUGGESTED READING LIST SUGGESTED reading LIST. Dinosaurs Die A Guide to Understanding Death (a storybookfor children) By Laurie Krasny Brown Marc Brown helping children Grieve By http://www.save.org/SugRdList.shtml | |
78. Reading Info At IVillage.com TOPICS ON LEARNING TO READ. Common problems, helping children read, Readiness. Foster a Love of reading. Growing Good Readers. send me FREE http://www.ivillage.com/topics/parenting/0,,166469,00.html | |
79. Family Literacy Helping Parents Help Their Children Family Literacy helping Parents Help Their children One of These children oftenenter school two or more years who need help bridging the reading gap, many http://www.ala.org/pio/factsheets/familyliteracy.html |
80. Compact For Reading And School-Home Links Program For California children in kindergarten through the third grade, to encourage greater family andcommunity involvement in helping children improve their reading skills and http://www.literacynet.org/ar-ca/compact/ | |
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