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81. Main Page Website RAIPON. Non-government organization protecting the interests of Russia's northern minority peoples (in russian Category Regional Europe Nationalities Arctic and Siberian......Update 0101-2001 contact webmaster. http://www.raipon.org/ | |
82. VB Shustov, General Secretary, Association Of Indigenous Peoples to the State Duma and to the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the RussianFederation as well as to the Association of indigenous peoples of the http://arcticcircle.uconn.edu/SEEJ/shustov.html | |
83. Newsletter No 6/1999 From Indigenous Peoples' Secretariat RAIPON receives the award for their efforts to involve indigenous peoples of theRussian North, Siberia and Far East in the protection of their environment. http://www.arcticpeoples.org/newsletter-journals/n1999-06n.htm | |
84. Colby | Course Catalogue | Indigenous Peoples Of The Americas The Colby College Course Catalogue is a comprehensive list of the majors, minors, and programs of study toward the fouryear Bachelor of Arts Degree. Also http://www.colby.edu/catalogue/0001/IP.shtml | |
85. Colby College: Catalogue 1999-2000: Indigenous Peoples Of The Americas Colby Home, indigenous peoples of the Americas In the Department ofAnthropology. Advisory Committee Jeffrey Anderson (Anthropology http://www.colby.edu/catalogue/9900/indigenous.shtml | |
86. The World Bank - Indigenous Peoples The World Bank Draft Policy on indigenous peoples (OP/BP 4.10) in other LanguagesConsultations with External Stakeholders Completed on February 15, 2002 The http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/essd/essd.nsf/IndigenousPeoples/CoverNoteOther | |
87. M. Bergmann | Language Contacts In The Russian North Language Contacts in the russian North. This area was originally inhabited by Uralicspeaking peoples, which were later largely assimilated by the russians. http://odur.let.rug.nl/~bergmann/phd_project.htm | |
88. MINELRES - Minority Related National Legislation - Russia A list of legal documents with access to texts in russian. Laws on Cultural Autonomy and Languages Category Regional Europe Russia Government Law...... Law on Languages, 1991, English, russian (Win1251). Law on the Rights of SmallIndigenous peoples of the russian Federation, 1999, russian (Win1251). http://www.riga.lv/minelres/NationalLegislation/Russia/russia.htm | |
89. Health And Environment Russia is 4345 years. Especially alarming is the death rate amongstindigenous peoples in the russian North. With 12 people out of http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/56/004.html | |
90. National Museum Of Ethnology : Academic Staff 1997 Crisis of the fur animal hunting of the indigenous peoples in Sibria and RussianFar East, People and Culture, vol.5 (No.9), Ansan The Institute for http://www.minpaku.ac.jp/english/staff/sasaki_shiro.html | |
91. GRID-Arendal News Environmental problems affecting the traditional lifestyles of IndigenousPeoples in the russian North Executive report review 29 October 1998. http://www.grida.no/inf/news/indpeop.htm | |
92. ENB On The Side @ FCCC COP-6 Pt.2: 23 July in a trading system; and the decarbonization of russian energy supplies Indigenouspeoples sent a prayer for guidance and strength to continue the struggle http://www.iisd.ca/climate/cop6bis/enbots/23july.html | |
93. Sacred Earth Network Russian Environmental Partnership Project russian Environmental Partnership Project Goals and Objectives empower indigenouspeoples; strengthen cross-cultural collaboration, both within the region and http://www.sacredearthnetwork.org/beta/release/repp/goals.cfm |
94. English Dpt: Andrew Wiget organizer for an annual international working seminar on the problems of the indigenouspeoples of the north, which we founded with the russian government in http://www.nmsu.edu/~english/contact/facultybios/wiget_a.html | |
95. Main Page Website RAIPON. Website RAIPON http://www.raipon.net/ | |
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