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1. Center For The Prevention Of School Violence Established in 1993, the Center serves as a primary point of contact for dealing with the problem Category Society Issues Violence and Abuse School...... Substantive Questions about school violence prevention, contact Joanne McDanielTechnical Questions about this web site, contact Catherine Anderson. http://www.ncsu.edu/cpsv/ | |
2. School Violence Prevention: School Violence Prevention Links Center For The Prevention of School Violence. National School Safety Center. http//www.nssc1.org/Advocates for the prevention of school crime and violence. http://www.mentalhealth.org/schoolviolence/links.asp | |
3. School Violence Prevention Center for Mental Health Services, a component of the US Dept. of Health and Human Services provides reports and resources on youth violence. continuum of prevention, early intervention, and treatment. The CMHS initiative on school violence focuses on the http://www.mentalhealth.org/schoolviolence | |
4. ERIC Digest 94 - School Violence Prevention Clearinghouse on Educational Management College of Education · University of Oregon http://eric.uoregon.edu/publications/digests/digest094.html | |
5. Colorado Attorney General - Youth Violence Prevention Colorado school violence prevention and Student Discipline Manual (Updated August 2002) http://www.ago.state.co.us/youthvio/youthvio.htm | |
6. School Violence Prevention Youth violence extracts an enormous toll on the Nation's resources Prevention canmake a difference in the lives of our feel safe and be safe in school in order http://www.mentalhealth.org/schoolviolence/default.asp | |
7. ED379786 1995-03-00 School Violence Prevention. ERIC Digest, Number 94. Source ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational Management Eugene OR. school violence prevention. ERIC Digest, Number 94. http://www.ed.gov/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed379786.html | |
8. Comprehensive Framework For School Violence Prevention Comprehensive Framework for school violence prevention . October 25,2000. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention http://ojjdp.ncjrs.org/about/00juvjust/001025.html |
9. National Conference On School Violence Prevention- Orlando, Fl. July 29-30,2002 National Conference. on. school violence prevention. Special emphasis The Potentially Dangerous Student http://www.keystosaferschools.com/Orlando_2002.htm | |
10. School Violence, School Safety, Security Consultants & Columbine Shootings Case. School violence, school safety issues, security consultants Columbine shootings. School crisis management, safe schools threat assessment. A school violence prevention training consulting group. http://www.schoolprotectiveservices.com/ | |
11. Violence Prevention Page school violence prevention AND INTERVENTION. Welcome White House Conferenceon School Safety Causes and Prevention of Youth Violence. Safe http://cecp.air.org/school_violence.htm | |
12. True Engage in Student 'Profiling' and Other Techniques? The FBI is movinginto the area of school violence prevention (Jacobson 1999). http://eric.uoregon.edu/trends_issues/safety/ | |
13. Welcome To California Final report, dated April 10, 2000.Category Society Issues School Studies, Reports, Statistics...... My CA. THE school violence prevention AND RESPONSE TASK FORCE FINAL REPORT. THEschool violence prevention AND RESPONSE TASK FORCE FINAL REPORT4400k. http://www.ocjp.ca.gov/publications/pub_schlvio.htm | |
14. ED379786 1995-03-00 School Violence Prevention. ERIC Digest, Number 94. OR. school violence prevention. ERIC Digest, Number 94. THIS reproduced.Title school violence prevention. ERIC Digest, Number 94. Document http://www.ericfacility.net/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed379786.html | |
15. ED417244 1998-02-00 Improving School Violence Prevention Programs Through Meanin New York NY. Improving school violence prevention Programs throughMeaningful Evaluation. ERIC/CUE Digest Number 132. THIS DIGEST http://www.ericfacility.net/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed417244.html | |
16. School Violence Prevention: Strategies To Keep Schools Safe school violence prevention Strategies to Keep Schools Safe (Unabridged). Theideal violenceprevention policy will likely be different for each school. http://www.rppi.org/ps234.html | |
17. School Violence Prevention In Pennsylvania Resource Record. school violence prevention in Pennsylvania. Title School ViolencePrevention in Pennsylvania. Type Reports. Date Added August 15th, 2002. http://www.hamfish.org/resources/record/376/ | |
18. Www.askeric.org/Qa/hottopics/safety.html Similar pages Improving school violence prevention Programs Through Meaningful Number 2, 1999. Improving school violence prevention Programs ThroughMeaningful Evaluation. Daniel J. Flannery Kent State University http://www.askeric.org/Qa/hottopics/safety.html |
19. Safe Schools Against Violence In Education Workshop (SAVE) back to Obtaining Your Certificate Certification Requirements AdditionalRequirements school violence prevention and Intervention Workshop. http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/certificate/save.htm | |
20. Improving School Violence Prevention Programs Through Meaningful Evaluation Number 132, February 1998. EDOUD-98-2. ISSN 0889-8049. IMPROVINGschool violence prevention PROGRAMS THROUGH MEANINGFUL EVALUATION. http://eric-web.tc.columbia.edu/digest/dig132.asp | |
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