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Southeast Asia Ancient Civ General: more detail |
1. The University Of Akron General Education Guide This program went into effect fall semester, 1994 and is in effect for those students who have never attended any college or university before fall semester, 1994. Belmont Technical College general Education Equivalency Guide The general 3400387 World civ. southeast asia (2) 3400 388 World civ. 3200189 Myth. ancient Greece (3) - 3200220 http://www.wzip.uakron.edu/univcoll/belmontguide.doc |
2. The University Of Akron General Education Guide This program went into effect fall semester, 1994 and is in effect for all students. This guide was prepared to assist students who have not completed the Ohio Transfer Module. Lakeland Community College general Education Equivalency Guide The general 3400387 World civ. southeast asia (2) 3400 388 World civ. 3200189 Myth. ancient Greece (3) - 3200220 http://www.wzip.uakron.edu/univcoll/Lakelandguide.doc |
3. Malaysia Resources Archaeology Atlas. ancient civ. Archaeologists. Artifacts. Book Reviews Rahman's terrific source for southeast asia, summaries of recent excavations in Malaysia. general Information http://archaeology.about.com/library/atlas/blmalaysia.htm | |
4. Hstwrldm general; East asia; South southeast asia. ancient Egypt; Near East Mesopotamia;Islamic civ.; Modern. Technology Curriculum Library African History. http://cuip.uchicago.edu/~ldernbach/tlib/Depts/SocStudies/Hst/wrldhstm.htm | |
5. LAS General Education Program 100 Languages of Art 3; AH 280 Survey ancient Art -3; Modern Europe 1648-1848 -3(G); His 111 southeast asia -3 (D F CS 319 20 th Century Germ/Aust civ Culture http://www.uccs.edu/~las/gened/gened.html | |
6. Unit I: THE EMERGENCE OF CIVILIZATIONS TO 500 BCE Here are a few general websites about India. ancient India http//www.ancientindia.com/ ancient India Internet about East, South, and southeast asia is is http://www.hist.unt.edu/Faculty/Huddleston/1050/civ-u1e.htm | |
7. SBCC General Catalog 2001-2002 civ, 1600Pres, Hrs or Hist 130 - History of architecture and crafts of India, China,Japan and southeast asia. Focuses on new and ancient techniques in low http://www.sbcc.cc.ca.us/catalog/2001-2002/art.cfm |
8. Hawai'i Resources - Archaeology economies and sociopolitical organization of ancient communities in prehistory ofPolynesia, Micronesia, Insular southeast asia, and the general Information. http://archaeology.about.com/library/atlas/blushi.htm | |
9. Mesorah High School - Curriculum Middle East, India, China, Japan, southeast asia and the and Western cultures, especiallythe ancient civilizations of 340430, Music Appreciation, World civ. http://www.mesorahschool.org/curric/curriculum.html | |
10. Basic Skills/GenEds the spirit of the various ages from ancient Greece to Prerequisite civ 100; or civ111 112 cultural study of the religions of India, southeast asia, and China http://bradley.bradley.edu/~ecram/basic.htm | |
11. HISTORY OF ASIA HSTAS 201 ancient Indian Civilization (5) I S Religions East asian history majors,to the general sweep of HSTAS 221 History of southeast asia (5) I S Surveys http://www.washington.edu/students/crscat/histasia.html | |
12. Www.montclair.edu/risa/biblio/b-iaryan.txt BIBLIOGRAPHY ON INDUS civ., ARYANS, ancient INDIAN HISTORY/ARCHEOLOGY Ann ArborCenter for South and southeast asian Studies papers on South and SE asia; no. http://www.montclair.edu/risa/biblio/b-iaryan.txt |
13. General Education Programs HIS118 Women in Europe. HIS123 Modern British civ. HIS130 History and the Sea. HIS171East asia History. HIS172 southeast asia History. PHL321 ancient Philosophy. http://www.ribghe.org/gened_0001.htm | |
14. ASU - DUAS - Spring 1999 ASU Main / ASU East General Studies Courses SB, C, H M ASB 337 PREHISPANIC civ/MIDDLE AMERH civILIZATIONSSB, G, H M HIS 308MODERN southeast ASIASB, G LISTED AS HUM 312 M HIS 320 ancient GREECESB http://www.asu.edu/duas/genstudies/19991m.html | |
15. ½ÞÒÞáâØ Ø ÐäØèÐ Üã×ÕÕÒ ÀÞááØØ - - Www.Museum.ru - Dr. DAN'EL KAHN (Department of ancient Near Eastern 202 0786; civreg@inafr Patterns of Hierarchy and Power in southeast asia. http://www.museum.ru/N12522 | |
16. ÐÀÏÍ EL KAHN (Department of ancient Near Eastern 202 0786; ? ?civreg@inafr and Power in southeast asia Prof http://www.rapn.ru/events/ | |
17. Civilization II Fanatics' Center: Civ2 Downloads: Renaissance Scenarios The ancient Aztec and Inca empires of central and its colonial interest (Africa, America,Australia and southeast asiathe Pacific This scenario for civ II MGE http://www.civfanatics.com/civ2scenren.shtml | |
18. The Clash Of Civilizations - Disease Model disease pool if all islands are within ancient boat range on earth there are 3 majorjungles, southeast asia, Amazon Basin of 5 turns * I'm using civ years per http://cullivan.com/coc/models/Model-Disease.shtml | |
19. Kull's Ancient Empires Site and a mortal enemy (Babylon) to the southeast. peoples from Sardinia (Sherden), Sicily,asia Minor, the premier OFFENSIVE formation of ancient Near Eastern http://cullivan.com/civ/scenarios/eotba/readme.html | |
20. History 3. 152, World civ 2, 3. Brittany, Cornwall, Ireland, Isle of Man, Scotland, andWales) and their ancient continental forebears 489 History of southeast asia. http://www.bsu.edu/web/catalog_0204work/undergraduate/programs/Programs02/hist02 | |
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