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21. Poorly Timed Rains Hurt Indian Soybean Crops Poorly Timed Rains Hurt Indian soybean crops. DELHI Oct 22/99 -STAT Poorly timed rains from this year's monsoon season will http://www.statpub.com/stat/open/2432.html | |
22. ISU Extension News Release For 2002 corn and soybean crops, USDA price projections through January 2003 indicatethat marketing year average prices will be above the level that would http://www.extension.iastate.edu/newsrel/2003/feb03/feb0302.html | |
23. DDN Corn, Soybean Crops Way Down News search. Last 30 days only Earlier articles here. Dining Guide Coupons anddeals from local restaurants. Corn, soybean crops way down. Dayton Daily News. http://www.activedayton.com/ddn/local/daily/0117crops.html |
24. Whopping Corn And Soybean Crops Twice As Nice John Russnogle. Whopping Corn And soybean crops Richard Brock. Article.Whopping Corn And soybean crops Richard Brock Soybean Digest, Aug 1, 2000, http://soybeandigest.com/ar/soybean_whopping_corn_soybean/ | |
25. Row Crops Lose Lots Of Nitrate Nitrate nitrogen losses from corn and soybean crops can be 3050 times higherthan from perennial crops such as alfalfa, according to Gyles Randall, a http://soybeandigest.com/ar/soybean_row_crops_lose/ |
26. The Soybean Field - ©2002 Joel Day Field of medium sized soybean crops near Maytown, Pennsylvania. Closeupof medium sized soybean crops near Maytown, Pennsylvania. http://www.joelday.com/TheFarm/soybeans.cfm | |
27. 1997 Corn And Soybean Crops Could Be Record-Setters 1997 Corn And soybean crops Could Be RecordSetters. Chris Hurt,Purdue Agricultural Economist. Corn prices may have bottomed for http://www.agriculture.purdue.edu/aganswers/1997/7-7Corn_Soybean.html | |
28. IPM Solutions - February 2002 - Soybean Aphid Is 'here To Stay' is expected to return to farm fields this year, but one expert says that much hasbeen learned about the insect and how to reduce its attack on soybean crops. http://www.ipmalmanac.com/solutions/200202/aphid.asp | |
29. Special Purpose Soybean Varieties A significant change in the soybean industry is about to take place. In the past,a commodity based pricing system has been used to buy and sell soybean crops. http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/NewCropsNews/92-2-1/soybean.html | |
30. Grain Quality Order Price, Item Number, Title, PDF version. Web Only, GQ1, Preparing forthe 1992 Corn and soybean crops, PDF. Web Only, GQ-2, Gib Ear Rot of Corn,PDF. http://www.agcom.purdue.edu/AgCom/Pubs/grain.htm | |
31. ERS/USDA Briefing Room - Soybean And Oil Crops Bumper US Soybean Crop Hinge on China's Imports discusses China's import demandas a key determinant in demand for US and South American soybean crops in 2000 http://www.ers.usda.gov/Briefing/SoybeansOilCrops/recommendedreadings.htm | |
32. Integrated Pest & Crop Management Newsletter - University Of Missouri The principle means of reducing Septoria brown spot is to rotatecrops with at least one year between soybean crops. The use of http://ipm.missouri.edu/ipcm/archives/v12n12/ipmltr3.htm | |
33. Project Outputs: Illinois Specialty Farm Products Marketing of Specialty Corn and soybean crops by Darrel Good, Karen Bender andLowell Hill, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, College of http://web.aces.uiuc.edu/value/outputs.htm | |
34. USAID Europe And Eurasia: Developing Turkmenistan’s Soybean Industry The success of soybean crops does not appear to be limited by climaticconditions. Ambient temperatures soared to 55 degrees centigrade http://www.usaid.gov/regions/europe_eurasia/car/photo_albums/turkmen_soybeans.ht | |
35. @griculture Online - News - Corn, Soybean Crops Slightly Worse Off Corn, soybean crops slightly worse off. Twelve percent of this year'scorn crop is mature, according to this week's Crop Progress http://www.agriculture.com/default.sph/AgNews.class?FNC=ViewArchives__Aarchive_s |
36. @gWorldwide - US Soy Prices Face Pressure From Big Crops, China CHICAGO, Feb 5 (Reuters) Bumper soybean crops in South America and a bid by Chinato delay imports are serving to weaken US prices but exports were well on http://www.agriculture.com/worldwide/IDS/2003-02-05T221416Z_01_N05564607_RTRIDST | |
37. Agronomic Crops Team On-Farm Research Projects 1997, Special Circular 160-98, So Most soybean crops are nitrogen deficient throughout most of the growing seasonwith the possible exception of a short period (23 weeks) during the late http://ohioline.osu.edu/sc160/sc160_19.html | |
38. Soybean Cyst Nematode, AC-39-98 Ohio. In fields where soybean cyst nematodes are high, grow at leastthree years of nonhost crops between soybean crops. It should http://ohioline.osu.edu/ac-fact/0039.html | |
39. FREE SCN Testing Cysts are extracted from the soil to estimate the numbers of eggs and juvenilespresent, so risk to subsequent soybean crops can be assessed. http://www.michigansoybean.org/production dignostic/freescn.htm | |
40. Argentina Production Update Return to the FAS Home Page. February 11, 2000. ARGENTINAS CORNAND soybean crops CONTINUE TO RECEIVE FAVORABLE WEATHER. Argentina http://www.fas.usda.gov/pecad2/HIGHLIGHTS/2000/02/ARG_SOYCORN.HTM | |
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