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41. ARS | Publication Request: Climate Change And Global Crop Productivity: Soybean Specialized agronomists and plant breeders are needed to select soybean cropsto meet the challenge of crop production in future climatic conditions. http://www.nps.ars.usda.gov/publications/publications.htm?SEQ_NO_115=105787 |
42. FARM.DOC - Corn And Soybean Prices -- Now What? On January 10, the USDA will release the final estimate of the sizeof the 2002 US corn and soybean crops. Again, large changes http://www.farmdoc.uiuc.edu/marketing/weekly/html/120902.html | |
43. FARM.DOC : AgMAS: Research Reports: Annual Pricing Evaluations 793K. Abstract. The purpose of this research report is to evaluate the pricing performanceof market advisory services for the 19952000 corn and soybean crops. http://www.farmdoc.uiuc.edu/agmas/reports/pricing.html | |
44. IITA Annual Report 1997 | Optimizing Crop Rotation Sustains Productivity In Mois Compared to maize, maize grainyield increase following soybean was variable,but the main effect of previous soybean crops was positive, even though the http://www.iita.org/info/ar97/10-11.htm | |
45. Stem Canker: Kentucky Soybean IPM This is a critical point to note because the infested crop residue may provideenough fungus to create a stem canker epidemic in subsequent soybean crops. http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/IPM/scoutinfo/soybean/disease/scanker/scanker.htm | |
46. FRB: Beige Book - Kansas City In the farm economy, the corn and soybean crops were in good condition, the cattleindustry benefited from favorable prices and good pasture, and hog producers http://www.federalreserve.gov/FOMC/BeigeBook/1997/19970917/10.htm | |
47. Session: SMEX And SMACEX 2002: Soil Moisture And Soil Moisture-Atmosphere Coupli 945 AM, 1.3, Aircraft and TowerMeasured Fluxes Over Rapidly Growing Corn andsoybean crops in Central Iowa JI MacPherson, Institute for Aerospace Research http://ams.confex.com/ams/annual2003/techprogram/session_14991.htm | |
48. DOE Joint Genome Institute are joining forces to learn the genetic secrets of a notorious plant pathogen thatcauses billions of dollars a year in damage to forests and soybean crops. http://www.jgi.doe.gov/News/news_10_16_02.html | |
49. Soybean Diseases Lengthening rotations to three or four years between soybean cropsallows natural processes to reduce pathogen populations. Some http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu/ndsu/bernelso/soydiseases/ | |
50. Biological Characteristics Of Oilseed Crops: IOC 1804 and became particularly important in the mid20th century. Inthe Ukraine the first soybean crops were made in years 1880. http://oilseed.narod.ru/2_SOYA.HTM | |
51. Economic Analysis Of Soybean-Wheat Cropping Systems In each period the modified doublecrop pattern produced two soybean crops (an earlyseason soybean crop and a full season soybean crop), a wheat forage crop http://www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/pub/cm/research/soywheat/ |
52. Project Focuses On Times And Rates To Irrigate Corn, Soybean Crops Project Focuses on Times And Rates To Irrigate Corn, soybean crops. HendersonCounty farmer Glenn Miller, right, and Mike Smith, Henderson http://www.ca.uky.edu/agc/news/2000/Jun/irrigate.htm | |
53. UK Continues To Research Impact Of No-Till Wheat The research has explored not only how this production affects the wheat yields,but also the yields of subsequent corn or soybean crops. By Laura Skillman http://www.ca.uky.edu/agc/news/2003/Jan/ntwheat.htm | |
54. Center Of Excellence 3. Determine the economic feasibility of double cropping a winterannual forage and grain with rotational corn and soybean crops. http://www.micorn.org/research/Cereals and Cover Crops.htm |
55. CorpWatch.org - Issues - Biotechnology - Background - Opposition Junichiro Yasui, leader of the Waseda shopkeepers, calculates that an average 40kilograms of soybean crops can be expected from the 30 sq. meters of field. http://www.corpwatch.org/issues/PID.jsp?articleid=577 |
56. NCPA - Brief Analysis 368, Saving Lives By Rejecting The Precautionary Principle Soybeans have been modified to resist Monsanto's popular herbicide Roundup, allowingfarmers to spray soybean crops with chemicals that destroy weeds without http://www.ncpa.org/pub/ba/ba368/ | |
57. Herbicide Resistant Weeds Spring Up In Bioengineered Soy Fields Herbicide Resistant Weeds Spring Up in Bioengineered Soy Fields Biotechsoybean crops require more herbicides not less Fair Use Statement. http://www.mapcruzin.com/news/bte050501b.htm | |
58. International News On Genetic Engineering In Agriculture - 1998/09/15 . Farmers See Outbreak of Soybean Disease. COLUMBIA, Mo. (AP) A soil-bornefungus is threatening soybean crops in parts of central and northern http://www.safe-food.org/-news/1998-09-15.html | |
59. Cultivating Concepts - Junior Edition - Greenhouse And Processing Crops Research Scientists at Harrow are looking at ways of controlling this pest beforeit destroys our valuable soybean crops. Field Vegetable Team. http://res2.agr.ca/harrow/junior/concept_e.htm | |
60. Sudden Death Syndrome t until the 1980s that this yieldrobbing disease took its strong presence in farmlandsacross the Midwest, and began taking acres of soybean crops down with it http://www.indianasoybeanboard.com/SuddenDeath.shtml | |
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