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Tegu Lizards: more detail | ||||||||
81. Reptile Market - Reptile, Turtle And Amphibian Classifieds - Lizards Archived Topic, 2 Year old Female Red tegu for Sale, kroy, 0, 64, 19 Jan 2003 18 ArchivedTopic, Various lizards, Podunk, 0, 200, 14 Jan 2003 034958 by Podunk Jump to http://www.turtletimes.com/classifieds/forum.asp?ARCHIVE=true&FORUM_ID=37 |
82. LIZARDS Reptiles, Supplies, and More!!!! CHAMELEONS, DRAGONS, IGUANAS. CHAMELEONS, DRAGONS,IGUANAS. MONITORS, SKINKS, tegu. MONITORS, SKINKS, tegu. UROMASTYX. UROMASTYX. http://www.snakesatsunset.com/lizards.html | |
83. Amazon Reptile List Genus Crocodilurus Crocodile tegus CROCODILE tegu, Crocodilurus lacertinus.Genus Dracaena - Caiman lizards NORTHERN CAIMAN LIZARD, Dracaena guianensis. http://www.greentracks.com/RepList.html | |
84. Lizards! SNAKES! lizards! Monitors! Iguana's and tegu's! Tiny lizards! FROGS AND TOADS! TURTLESAND TORTOISES! BUGS! BUG! BUGS! PUPPIES! PRICING. REFERENCES! FEEDBACK! http://www.pupsandreps.com/lizards!.htm | |
85. Tegu And Monitor Food tegu Monitor Food. This chicken and soybean meal base provides theextra protein necessary for larger carnivorous lizards. Also http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?siteid=8&pCatId=6443 |
86. Reptiles: Tegus tegus. Lacertids. Skinks. Anguids. Gilas Beadeds. Monitors. Other lizards. tegulinks tegus (Agama International care sheet); tegu species care sheet; tegu's site; http://www.herper.com/lizards/tegus.html | |
87. Lizards Name Hart's Reptile World Ad Title lizards for sale Email crocodil@hartsreptileworld.comURL Collection for sale 1 1' b w colombian tegu, real cutie $70 1 http://www.herpads.net/lizard.htm | |
88. Little Lizard - Lizards Food selections for carnivores Rodents, fish, small snakes and lizards,canned monitor/tegu food, ground turkey, highquality dog food. http://littlelizard.thebritpack.co.uk/lizards.html |
89. Lizards lizards. Frilled Dragon, Click Picture To View Larger Image. $199.99. $174.99.Argentine Black White tegu, Click Picture To View Larger Image. $199.99. http://www.reptileguru.com/lizards.htm | |
90. Tegu/Monitor Canned Food tegu/Monitor Canned Food, $ 2.59. tegu Monitor Food The first commerciallydeveloped food for large carnivorous (ie meat eating) lizards. http://www.petmeister.com/item1213.htm | |
91. Monitor Lizards Monitor lizards listed on this page $125 each, $250/pair. $100 missing tailtips.Chilean Dwarf tegu (Callopistes maculatus). First importation in several years. http://www.weisreptiles.com/indexpage/monitors.html |
93. LIZARDS lizards. RED tegu We currently have one female red tegu. We love this animaland she needs a boyfriend! Contact us if you have any f/s trade. HOME. http://www.maddreptiles.com/LIZARDS.html | |
94. Info | Reptiles | Fin And Feather Petshop -- Online. Collared Lizard Common Agama Common tegu Crevice Spiny Lizard Day Gecko DesertIguana DoubleCrested Basilisk Dwarf Monitor tegu Garden lizards Giant Skink http://www.finandfeather.biz/info/herp/ | |
95. Tegus And Monitors - Lizard Care Basic care sheets for the Black and White tegu, Gold tegu, Nile, and Savannahmonitor lizards. This site will help you set up your new reptile correctly! http://www.icomm.ca/dragon/monitor.htm | |
96. Current Collection Of Other Lizards Tupinambis merianae (Argentine Black White tegu). Uromastyx acanthinurus(Spiny tailed agama). Home, Ratsnakes, Monitors, lizards, Other interests. http://www.reptilia.dk/lizards.html | |
97. Agama International Tegus Keeping and breeding Tupinambis merianae, T. rufescens, T. teguixin in captivity.Category Recreation Pets Reptiles and Amphibians lizards Tegus......This site has moved to a new location. http//www.agamainternational.com. Pleaseclick on the banner above or wait ten seconds to be transferred automatically. http://home.earthlink.net/~timo2/tegus.html | |
98. Tupinambis Merianae - The Argentinian Black And White Tegu such a way that the microclimate would be similar to the one found where these lizardsnaturally occur. The Argentine black and white tegu is a versatile lizard http://www.agamainternational.com/merianae.shtml | |
99. Www.Regal Reptiles.com Miscellaneous lizards albino_tegu2_821.jpg (69465 bytes) albino_tegu3_8-21.jpg (65129bytes) albino_tegu_8-21.jpg (32923 bytes) TeguAlbino Blue (Tupinambis http://www.regalreptile.com/lizards.htm | |
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