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21. Civil Union Current challenge of Civil Unions and their impact on the spouses in the State of New Jersey. Currently, Category Society Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual...... Sent 1 to NJ Div of Taxation, NJ dept of treasury, us treasury dept, InternalRevenue Service 8/30/01. Received 1 - from NJ dept of treasury 9/10/01. http://www.geocities.com/njcivilunion/ | |
22. Patch, Special Unit: US Treasury Dept. Internal Security $5.95. http://www.bairdco.com/pchtreasuryinternalsecurity.htm |
23. Ben's Guide: U.S. Government Web Sites For Kids (Subject) List of government web sites for kids arranged by subject.Category Kids and Teens Directories...... TAXi Tax Interactive (IRS); treasury Educational Links (treasury dept.); treasury'sPage for Kids (treasury dept.); us Patent and Trademark Office's Kids Pages http://bensguide.gpo.gov/subject.html | |
24. Ben's Guide: U.S. Government Web Sites For Kids (Alphabetical) TerraWeb for KIDS! (us Geological Survey); Think College Early (Education dept.);Tips4Youth (Centers for Diseasse Control and Prevention); treasury Educational http://bensguide.gpo.gov/alphabet.html | |
25. Welcome To MILVETS Systems Technology, Inc. Fri., Mar 21, 2003 us dept. of treasury / BATF, http://www.milvets.com/ll.mv?Projects&DocId=16 |
26. Section 508: US Dept Of The Treasury - Richard Miller Communications/Media. Resources Links. AT Showcase. Contact us. us dept of thetreasury Richard Miller. Department of the treasury Response to FAR Case 1999-607. http://www.section508.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=Content&ID=31 |
27. FMS GLOBE US Dept. Of The Treasury us Department of the treasury group. Chapters, aims, activities, contact details, guest book, some Category Society Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Workplace Support Groups......us dept. of the treasury. FMS GLOBE. Financial Management Service GayLesbian Or Bisexual Employees. PO Box 34704 Kansas City, Missouri http://home.att.net/~bill.todd/ | |
28. Search The Internet of Commerce. dept of treasury dept. of Justice dept. of Health and Human Servicesdept. of Housing and Urban Development. THOMAS us Congress on the Internet. http://albemarle-regional.lib.nc.us/federallinks.htm |
29. U.S. Dept. Of The Treasury Listing us dept. of the treasury Logo, Executive Branch treasury, us Departmentof. Daniel J. Evans Library, Government Documents/Maps Mailstop http://www.evergreen.edu/library/govdocs/executive/treasury.html | |
30. Marxism Message, Fw: Voices Fined By The Treasury Dept And Our Response Voices fined by the treasury dept and our response, LouPaulsen Wed 04 Dec 2002,0214 GMT; The strategic importance of European ports in us military deployment http://archives.econ.utah.edu/archives/marxism/2002w49/msg00114.htm | |
31. U.S. Police Agency Structure And Organization us Congress (federal crimes). Its 4 primary agencies are listed below with the FBIas the largest and Border Patrol as the fastest growing. The treasury dept. http://faculty.ncwc.edu/toconnor/polstruct.htm | |
32. MyAuctionFriends.com Auction Directory : Rate U.S. Dept Of Treasury Seized Prope Link Advanced Search. Home Rate us dept Of treasury Seized PropertyAuctions. Rate us dept Of treasury Seized Property Auctions. http://www.myauctionfriends.com/cgi-bin/links/rate.cgi?ID=74 |
33. Trivona Corp. V. Michigan Dept. Of Treasury, 498 U.S. 358 (1991) Trivona Corp. v. Michigan dept. of treasury (891106), 498 us 358 (1991). v.Director, Div. of Taxation, New Jersey dept. of treasury, 490 us 66, 74. http://supct.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/89-1106.ZS.html | |
34. Trivona Corp. V. Michigan Dept. Of Treasury, 498 US 358 (1991) v. Director, Div. of Taxation, NJ dept. of treasury, 490 us 66, 80 (1989)(Scalia, J., concurring in judgment); Tyler Pipe Industries Inc. http://supct.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/89-1106.ZC.html | |
35. Text: Treasury Dept.'s O'Neill On Afghanistan Reconstruction Text treasury dept.'sO'Neill on Afghanistan Reconstruction. Department of the treasury. terrorismrequires strong and sustained efforts from all of us on many http://usembassy.state.gov/islamabad/wwwh01112104.html | |
36. Embassy Directory Customs (us Customs Service); Drug Enforcement Administration; Economic Section;Environment, Science Technology Section; Financial Attaché (treasury dept.). http://usembassy.state.gov/tokyo/wwwh0021.html | |
37. Home Page Of The US Freedom Girls of us soldiers stationed overseas. However, the women have been fighting, mostlyin vain, all year to find sponsorship and support from the treasury dept., http://www.usfreedombonds.com/save the savings bond program.htm | |
38. CDFI Fund Quarterly (U.S. Dept. Of The Treasury) - Spring 2001 - "Wainwright Ban an active commercial lending operation, and conveniences such as Debit Cards andOnline Banking, Wainwright resembles most other us financial institutions. http://www.wainwrightbank.com/site/Article-CDFI-Spring01.asp | |
39. 51:629(56)CA - - U.S. Dept. Of The Treasury, IRS, Austin Compliance Center, Aust 56. FEDERAL LABOR RELATIONS AUTHORITY. WASHINGTON, DC. _. us DEPARTMENT OFTHE treasury. INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE. AusTIN COMPLIANCE CENTER. AusTIN, TEXAS. http://www.flra.gov/decisions/v51/51-056-4.html | |
40. Dept. Of The Treasury, US Customs Service, Washington, DC And NTEU, Case No. 01 impasse under the Federal Service LaborManagement Relations Statute (Statute), 5usC § 7119, between it and the Department of the treasury, us Customs Service http://www.flra.gov/fsip/finalact/01fs_153.html | |
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