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United Kingdom Literature Legends & Lore: more detail |
41. Books Literature Refdesk.com BOOKS AND literature Books and Music 4literature Read any one of thousands of classic books free at this site. texts of American literature Crevecoeur, de Tocqueville, Henry Canada, Ireland, and the united kingdom. BBC Bookcase Books Online - Excellent literature, reference, and verse http://www.refdesk.com/books.html | |
42. Directory :: Look.com Timeless Myths Arthurian legends Discover the world of chivalry, with Ynis WytrinArthurian bibliography, literature reviews, art and lore, and related http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=3387 |
43. Arthurian Website Results :: Linkspider UK A Man for the Ages Explorations in the history and legends of Arthur. Ynis Wytrin- Arthurian bibliography, literature reviews, art and lore, and related http://www.linkspider.co.uk/Society/Folklore/Literature/Tales/Legends/Arthurian/ |
45. Lanesville Community School's Online Medieval Times Yellow Page Myths and legends from Ancient Times to the Space Age UK Order Official site for theUnited kingdom order of Links to history, castles and literature of middle http://www.lanesville.k12.in.us/LCSYellowpages/medievaltime.htm | |
46. King Arthur: Literature Of The Legends--Chretien De Troyes A literature Review. He also earns the right to inherit the kingdom of his father,Lac. to be used by Juliet at last delivers her and she is united with Cliges http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/4186/Arthur/htmlpages/legendliterature1.htm | |
47. "References On Cultural And Sacred Significance Of Mountains" -Mtn-Forum On-Line Curzon, Richmond, united kingdom. collection (1,200+ pages) of environmental literatureand philosophy Cherokee legends 2. Cherokee Publications, North Carolina http://www.mtnforum.org/resources/library/hardp00a.htm | |
48. World's Greatest Classic Books - Siddhartha and places, Eastern religions, and fairy tales and legends. In 1946 he received theNobel Prize for literature. rebels of the 1960s in the united States saw http://www.fortunecity.com/tinpan/quickstep/1103/book67.htm | |
49. VADA - Landen Countries VA - VE Churches in united kingdom; FreePages; Electronic Yellow Pages; Universities in theunited States; Excess Culture; Indigenous People's literature; Indigenous People http://www.vada.nl/landenva.htm | |
50. USM's Online Books for Australia, Canada, Ireland, and the united kingdom. of the Presidents of theunited States; al. ; Literary Research Tools; literature WorldWideWeb Virtual http://www.student-manual.com/study/tools/books.htm | |
51. Links To Other Net Resources Of Interest To Anthropologists Of Europe Lithuania. Institute of Lithuanian literature and Folklore. Luxembourg.Archaeology in Luxembourg. Republic of Macedonia. united kingdom. http://www.h-net.msu.edu/~sae/links/ | |
52. Marinus Research Links One of the united kingdom's foremost institutions dedicated History, History, FineArts, literature, and Religion links to all the kingdom's Heraldry websites http://marinus.atlantia.sca.org/linksresearch.html | |
53. Leopards, Oracles And Long Horns and journals in Nigeria and the united States Wisdom New Critical Perspectives onAfrican literature and Professor of Nigeria the ancient Edo kingdom of Benin http://www.panthercreekpress.com/Leopards.html | |
54. Speech 251 Storytelling STUFFS Cult Practices in the Old kingdom; Egyptian Mythology FAQ. English. Vietnamese.Symbols of Vietnam; this Vietnamese literature page offers some legends. http://mauicc.hawaii.edu/staff/stjohn/publicspeakers/storytelling.html | |
55. UNODC - Bulletin On Narcotics - 1970 Issue 1 - 004 The plant kingdom and hallucinogens (part III). which, in much of the literature,is actually so identified. came to public attention in the united States about http://www.undcp.org/bulletin/bulletin_1970-01-01_1_page005.html |
56. Spirits: Magickal And Mundane Links - Suite101.com from the Frouds' faerie literature, information about ghosts, and hauntings of theUnited kingdom and Ireland. Irish Ghosts legends, ghost stories, and live http://www.suite101.com/links.cfm/spirits_magickal_and_mundane | |
57. Katalog : : Society : Folklore : Literature : Tales : Legends : Art Translate this page Timeless Myths Arthurian legends - Discover the world of chivalry Ynis Wytrin - Arthurianbibliography, literature reviews, art and lore, and related links http://www.netz-tipp.de/kat/Society/Folklore/Literature/Tales/Legends/Arthurian/ | |
58. Centre Newsletter Studies centres in Ireland, the united kingdom and North be a special course in ModernIrish literature. and 1948 celebrations of the united Irish rebellion http://wwwsoc.murdoch.edu.au/cfis/Newsletter.html | |
59. Book People: Additions To The IPL Online Texts Collection 1-13-03 and Administrative Law in united kingdom; Great Britain 1763 (New France)Fictionunited StatesHistory Subjects 928 Persons in literature, History, Biography http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/bplist/archive/2003/2003-01-13,1.html | |
60. Folklinks title page) Slave Songs of the united States come up with a name like kingdom City Archivesof Appalachia Southern Appalachian culture, history, and literature. http://www2.truman.edu/~adavis/folklinks.html | |
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