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49. UNIS - External Resources K12 math, advanced math from Pennsylvania State University, K-12 math, math Tutorials,math tutorials and topics on solved and unsolved problems for upper http://www.unis.org/resources/ | |
50. Citations 15 13. R. Crandall, Topics in advanced Scientific Computation, SpringerVerlag,New York, 1996. J. math. RK Guy, unsolved problems in Number Theory (2nd. http://pweb.nju.edu.cn/zwsun/cited.htm | |
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60. Science: Math: Analysis - WorldSearch.com 4. Some unsolved problems Mainly in analysis. By Jörg Winkelmann. http//www.math.unibas.ch/~winkel/problem.html modified 17 Mar 2002. 5. advanced Calculus http://www.worldsearch.com/dp.lisa/en/Science/Math/Analysis | |
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