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Us Geography Index: more detail | ||||||
81. NAEP Geography -- Geography 2001 Major Results More Information. See the NCES Deputy Commissioner's statement about the geographyresults. See the prepared remarks of us Secretary of Education Rod Paige. http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/geography/results/ | |
82. Press Release - Fourth- And Eighth-Graders Score Higher In NAEP 2001 Geography According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) survey, The Nation'sReport Card us geography 2001, the improvements for fourthand eighth http://nces.ed.gov/pressrelease/rel2002/6_21_02.asp | |
83. Project GeoSim - Geography Education Software. Software for introductory geography courses. Modules include human population, migration modeling, Category Science Social Sciences geography Software...... Mental Maps (MMap) MMap is a geography quiz program. Congressional Apportionment(MigPol) MigPol simulates the effects of population shifts on the us House of http://geosim.cs.vt.edu/ | |
84. Mercer Human Resources Consulting - HR Article Index By Geography http://www.mercerhr.com/knowledgecenter/browsebygeography.jhtml | |
85. National Park Service Geographic Information Systems geography and our identification with it, give us a sense of place. geographyalso affects our national identity, and for many National http://www.nps.gov/gis/ | |
86. World Book Not Found - DiscoverySchool.com Get help with your geography homework with geography Web links from DiscoverySchool.com and World Category Science Social Sciences geography Education...... Site Map About us Feedback PRIVACY POLICY Viewing Printing Our Site,© Copyright 2002, Discovery.com. NFIE Grants for Teachers Cybersurfari. http://school.discovery.com/homeworkhelp/worldbook/atozgeography/ | |
87. US GEOGRAPHY - EnchantedLearning.com For a us Map Place Mat, click here. You can learn geography at each meal!These highquality vinyl mats are 11 1/2 inches x 17 1/2 inches tall. http://www.zoomwhales.com/usa/ | |
88. My Community, Our Earth The projects used the methods and tools of geography to show how their to MyCOE2002 by students, teachers, mentors, and sponsors has encouraged us to find http://www.geography.com/sustainable/ |
89. QuizDom: Collection Of Trivia Quizzes. Categorized collection of interactive trivia quizzes covering a range of subjects including arts, animals, entertainment, geography, history, science, words, and people. http://www.queendom.com/mindgames/quizdom/index.html | |
90. IB Notes Links to sites with notes on various IB subjects, like Economics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, geography, Computer Science. http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/ib-notes/index.html | |
91. Index Course offerings, alumni list and conference information.Category Reference Education College of Arts and Sciences......College of Arts and Sciences. Department of geography. What is geography?geography is the science of space and place at the Earth's surface. http://www.geog.unt.edu/ | |
92. Geographic Nameserver Search engine which provides zip and postal codes for many towns and cities worldwide. This server contains mostly information on locations within the us. It uses the information from the geographic http://www.mit.edu:8001/geo | |
93. Geographic Name Server/Xerox Map Gateway us Gazetteer. This service was a gateway between the Geographic Name Server atmartini.eecs.umich.edu and the World Wide Web, with links to maps from Xerox. http://wings.buffalo.edu/geogw |
94. K-8 Education Place | Social Studies Center The Social Studies Center social studiesrelated resources that include textbooksupport, an interactive geography game, outline maps http://www.eduplace.com/ss/ | |
95. ThinkQuest Test your geographic knowledge on this online game and quiz site. Contains geographic web resources that allow you to explore world geography in greater detail. http://library.advanced.org/10157/ | |
96. Human Geography : CTI Centre For Geography, Geology And Meteorology An annotated directory of human geography resources hosted by the University of Leicester. http://www.geog.le.ac.uk/cti/hum.html | |
97. Geography And Map Division Homepage, Library Of Congress History and background of the geography and map division, and reference services and guides. Includes a large, searchable collection of online North American maps in the public domain, dating from 1544 to present. http://lcweb.loc.gov/rr/geogmap/ | |
98. National Geographic Online (maps, Photography, Travel, More) Explore National Geographic Online.Category Science Social Sciences National Geographic Society...... Site index. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/ | |
99. Namibia Geography 2000 - Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Resou Flags, maps, economy, geography, climate, natural resources, international agreements, population, social statistics, and political system. http://www.photius.com/wfb2000/countries/namibia/namibia_geography.html | |
100. Cyber-Geography Research An initiative to map cyberspace, this site contains a variety of pages dedicated to helping the viewing not only understand cyber geography but to visualize it as well. http://www.cybergeography.org/ | |
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