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1. The Daily Illini Online no distinctions are made from one specific group of Asian Americans such as ChineseAsian Americans from another group such as vietnamese asian americans. http://www.dailyillini.com/aug00/aug02/news/news01.html | |
2. Asian Americans In The Santa Clara Valley Developed by Santa Clara University, this site features an extensive array of resources for asian Category Regional North America Society and Culture Ethnic...... South East asian americans Tet Festival; vietnamese American Culturaland Social Council (VACSO); Songkran (Tai) Holiday. Famous Local People. http://www.scu.edu/SCU/Programs/Diversity/scvasian.html | |
3. National Congress Of Vietnamese Americans Home Promote active participation of vietnamese and asian americans in bothcivic and national matters and in community organizing efforts;. http://www.ncvaonline.org/ | |
4. Internet Resources On Asian Americans asian americans. Multiculturalism. General Information asianAmerican Health Cambodian (Khmer), Laotian, vietnamese. Resources for cross-cultural care prevention, http://newton.uor.edu/Departments&Programs/AsianStudiesDept/asianam.html | |
5. Asian-Nation : The Landscape Of Asian America Discussions on entertainment, news, culture, history, and society relating to the asian American people.Category Society Ethnicity asian asian-American...... not possible for me to discuss everything about vietnamese americans or Filipinoamericans, etc. Much of the data and discussion within asianNation focuses on http://www.asian-nation.org/ | |
6. Asian Americans And Pacific Islanders And Tocacco among younger asian americans and Pacific Islanders.3. A community intervention trial for vietnamese men conducted in http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/sgr/sgr_1998/sgr-min-fs-asi.htm | |
7. Asian Pacific Islands American History Literature For K-12 Index to asian American resources for English and Social Studies teachers in grades K12. Offers chronolo Category Society Ethnicity asian asian-American History...... in New York Selected Works in South asian American/Canadian Literature Bibliographyfrom University of Kansas Libraries Back to Top. vietnamese americans. http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/asia.htm |
8. NBC11.com - Health Lead To Cancer For asian americans Most asian americans can get hepatitis B genetically,which could lead to liver cancer. More Details vietnamese Women Are At http://www.nbc11.com/health/?z=nav |
9. Understanding Our Perceptions Of Asian Americans asian americans number more than 9.1 million in the US and represent more ian fromthe Pacific Islands; Lao, Hmong, Mien, Kmhmu, vietnamese, Cambodian, Thai http://www.askasia.org/frclasrm/readings/r000191.htm | |
10. Deaf Asian Americans - Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Filipino, Vietnamese Deaf And to deaf vietnamese culture, education, and society. National asian Deaf CongressOfficial web site of the national organization for deaf asian americans. http://deafness.about.com/cs/asianamerican/ | |
11. ICC - Asian Americans & Cancer the third leading cancer among asian americans is liver cancer. (17,18). Cervicalcancer incidence rates are five times higher among vietnamese American women http://iccnetwork.org/cancerfacts/cfs3.htm | |
12. Asian-americans as Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Indonesian, and vietnamese. asian americans face a difficult economic life in http://www.missouri.edu/~jfa8c6/ED304/asian-americans.htm | |
13. SAPL: Websites - Asian Americans of asian America General overview of asian American culture, history, and immigrationwith a section particularly devoted to Vietnam and vietnamese americans http://www.sanantonio.gov/library/web/asianamerican.asp | |
14. On Gay Asian Americans barely registered a blip on the asian American radar June Lagmay and other JapaneseAmericans refused to of the Sansei Recently a vietnameseAmerican friend was http://www.gapsn.org/project2/history/ | |
15. Asian American Federation - Press Release May 15, 2001 Increasing Diversity of asian americans National Indian and vietnamese Americanpopulation growth significantly greater than average for all asian americans. http://www.aafny.org/proom/pr/pr20010515.asp | |
16. Asian Americans [Print Article] - World Book Online Americas Edition Japanese, Javanese, Korean, Tagalog, Thai, and vietnamese. asian americans practice several major religions, including http://www.aolsvc.worldbook.aol.com/na/ar/cp/ar033545.htm | |
17. Asian Americans Home Up asian Pacific americans Chinese americans Filipino americansJapanese americans vietnamese americans. On this page Art http://www.contracosta.cc.ca.us/library/sites/asianam.htm |
18. NIU Presidential Task Force On Asian Americans Scholar Association, International Student Faculty Office, Presidential Task Forceon asian americans, Southeast Asia Club, vietnamese Student Association. http://www.niu.edu/ptaa/aprilheritagemonth.html |
19. NIU Presidential Task Force On Asian Americans Committee, Department of English, Presidential Task Force on asianamericans, andCenter 11/15/01 vietnamese Students Association's vietnamese Egg Roll and http://www.niu.edu/ptaa/Fall_2001_Spring_2001.html |
20. Asian-Nation : The Landscape Of Asian America :: The Demographics Of Asian Ameri Not only are the sizes of the Chinese, vietnamese, asian Indian, and other well asdemographic characteristics, which further show that asian americans are not http://www.asian-nation.org/history4.html | |
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