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41. MINCAVA: Men And Violence includes information about domestic violence, survivor stories, information on gettinginvolved, and more. Service region Massachusetts. men against Rape and http://www.mincava.umn.edu/mensissu.asp | |
42. International Day For The Elimination Of Violence Against Women men helping to end violence against women and girls. Violent crimes committed againstwomen and girls like domestic violence, sexual assault and trafficking http://www.osw.dpmc.gov.au/international_day.cfm | |
43. Apna Ghar - Domestic Violence Facts compared to 48,983 incidents committed against men. of Justice Statistics, violenceagainst Women A as a consequence of domestic violence significantly more http://www.apnaghar.org/dv/dvfacts.shtml | |
44. ASK AMY: VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Does domestic violence increase during the Super Bowl? Do women go to jail forprotecting themselves? violence against men abuses boyfriend; Concerned http://www.feminist.com/askamy/violence/ | |
45. VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN LINKS PREVENTION OF SEXUAL AND domestic violence HOME PAGE; violence NETWORK (CAVNET); ENDviolence against WOmen; FEMINIST JUSTICE INFORMATION CENTER; men CAN STOP RAPE; http://www.feminist.com/resources/links/links_vaw.html | |
46. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND ABUSED MEN How to turn it around. Helpful links for men Child Custody resources. DomesticViolence against men - A Colorado site that provides helpful information. http://www.dv911.com/abusedmen.htm | |
47. Not An Even Playing Field one of the most controversial questions in the study of intimate violence is beingdebated Is domestic abuse a war against women or are men battered just as http://www.serve.com/zone/everyone/gelles.html | |
48. Battered Men? Battered Facts Those who equate domestic violence against men with that against women either ignoreor dismiss the results of the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics, which http://www.fair.org/extra/9410/battered-men.html | |
49. Domestic Violence Information And Resources at the hands of an intimate, and 48,983 incidents committed against men. men andwomen who have witnessed their parents' domestic violence are three times more http://www.brokenspirits.com/information/domestic_violence.asp | |
50. The Scottish Parliament: CPG On Men's Violence Against Women And Children issue of men's violence against women and children. It is intended that the remitbe broad enough to include the issues of rape, domestic violence, physical http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/msps/cpg/cpg-men.htm | |
51. Campaign Against Domestic Violence: CADV Abuse can also take place in lesbian and gay relationships and is occasionallyperpetrated by women against men. Some facts about domestic violence. http://www.cadv.org.uk/domesticViolence.html | |
52. Men Against Domestic Violence - Womens Center SECT men against domestic violence sm Campaign 2001 Strength of Character Pledgea donation on line - Click here. The Women's Center of Southeastern CT., Inc. http://www.womenscenterofsect.org/campaigns/madv2001c.htm | |
53. Life On Brian's Beat -- Gay-on-gay Violence Resources for gay men and lesbians who are in violent relationships. Description of kinds of abuse Category Society Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual domestic violence...... the Minnesota Center against violence and Abuse. David Island and Patrick Letellier'smen Who Beat the men Who Love Them Battered Gay men and domestic violence. http://www.web.apc.org/~jharnick/violence.html | |
54. Domestic Violence Break The Chain domestic violence includes all kinds of physical, sexual and emotional abuse withinall The most harmful abuse is carried out by men against female partners http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/cpd/cpsu/domestic.htm |
55. Domestic Violence, Spousal Abuse And Emotional Abuse: Dealing With Verbal Abuse Whilst domestic violence is usually regarded as men battering women, men can bebattered too See domestic violence against men and MAN2MAN The Site For http://www.successunlimited.co.uk/related/domestic.htm | |
56. BBC - London - TV & Radio - Inside Out - Domestic Violence Find out how Ken Livingstone reacts when George challenges him to finally addressthe issue of domestic violence against men. domestic violence The facts http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/insideldn/insideout/domestic.shtml | |
57. Cybergrrl: Views: Healthgrrl: Violence Resources For Women SafetyNet - Resources and links, including statistics and a listing of state coalitions against domestic Category Society People Women Issues domestic violence...... men against domestic violence (California) FAQs, statistics, a resource addressbook, hotline numbers, info on Internet agencies, shelters and interstate http://home.cybergrrl.com/dv/ | |
58. Men's Experience Of Domestic Violence violence against women and sometimes children. It is based in deepseated beliefsin male superiority. When men and women achieve equality, domestic violence http://www.dvc.org.nz/mensexp.htm | |
59. Domestic Violence: Resources, Articles, Statistics, Interact, Get Help domestic violence Statistics related to hospitalization or murder. domestic violenceStatistics related to violent crimes against women vs. those against men. http://womensissues.about.com/library/bldomesticviolencestats.htm | |
60. Domestic Violence domestic violence against men; domestic violence against women; Characteristicsof domestic and nondomestic violence incidents against women; http://www.law.ecel.uwa.edu.au/crc/publications/books/dv.htm | |
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