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41. Statistics Canada Financial Statistics Of Community Colleges And Colleges Included in this classification are the colleges of applied arts and technology(CAAT's in Ontario, general and vocational colleges (CEGEP's) in Quebec http://www.statcan.ca/cgi-bin/sdds/sdds.cgi?sdds=3146 |
42. T.C. Erciyes University PERIOD OF STUDY. a) vocational colleges A vocational college degree can normallybe obtained after completion of 2 academic years (4 semesters). http://www.erciyes.edu.tr/english/about.php | |
43. T.C. Erciyes University A great number of students attend their education in the Kayseri area, with someof them studying in faculties, colleges and vocational colleges in Yozgat and http://www.erciyes.edu.tr/english/services.php | |
44. Undervisningsministeriet New information material has just been published about the education and trainingoffered at Danish vocational colleges, namely the brochure Education and http://eng.uvm.dk/news/newmat.htm?menuid=0505 |
45. Danish Ministry Of Education - Education Internationalisation Strategy at vocational colleges A summary; Danish Innovationand Development (FoU) Project Database; Vocational Education and Training. http://eng.uvm.dk/education/Upper/Upper.htm?menuid=1520 |
46. LOOKUP PAST ARTICLES FROM Technical and. vocational colleges. Here is a listing of Technical and VocationalColleges that have courses in major appliance repair or related subjects. http://www.unitedservicers.com/members/colleges.htm | |
47. Welcome To LA Next Public Technical and vocational colleges Governed by the Louisiana Communityand Technical College System, these are all the campuses of the Louisiana http://www.lanext.com/options.html | |
48. New England Technical Colleges, Universities, Trade Schools Technical Colleges, Universities, Trade Schools, vocational colleges in New England.Colleges in Connecticut. Colleges in Massachusetts. Colleges in New Hampshire. http://www.newenglandcolleges.us/ | |
49. DEL's Qualifying Programmes of fulltime study. Diploma programme in educational theory for teachersat vocational colleges (PD). The PD-programme builds on http://www.delud.dk/uk/qualifyingpro.htm | |
50. Statutes aim of DEL to develop, organise and carry out initial, inservice and further trainingof vocational teachers and other staff at vocational colleges and adult http://www.delud.dk/uk/statutes.htm | |
51. Digital Chosunilbo (English Edition) : Daily News In English About Korea NK vocational colleges Affiliated to Factories. Successful graduates of vocationalagricultural colleges are accorded the license of engineer in agriculture. http://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/news/200110/200110110217.html | |
52. Online College Guide And Career Training Listing Of Career Colleges Vocational S Resource to help find career colleges, vocational training schools, technical colleges, and trade schools.Category Reference Education Colleges and Universities Directories...... Healthcare Training IT Training Massage Schools Personal Trainer Schools TechnicalTraining Truckdriving Schools vocational colleges Welding Schools http://www.search4college.com/ | |
53. Illinois / Indiana Colleges - Olympia College Ð Vocational Technical Colleges A technical, vocational school, offering certified nursing assistant training, surgical technologist Category Regional North America M Merrillville Education...... The result is 50 million positions tailormade for graduates of technicaland vocational colleges. Career training offers anyone http://www.olympia-college.com/ | |
54. Colleges In California, Louisiana, Washington Bryman College Offers certificates and diplomas in career fields. Located in San Bernardino, CA.Category Reference Education California TwoYear Colleges...... careers. Select one of our many technical and vocational colleges,shown above, and learn more about Bryman College. Bryman College http://www.bryman-college.com/ | |
55. UK Further Education Colleges And Vocational Education, GNVQs A brief introduction to vocational education, GNVQs, and vocational colleges inthe UK, including an overview of types of qualification, courses and links to http://www.ukeas.com/further/ | |
56. Community And Technical Colleges In Canada in Canada. The purpose of this page is to provide a comprehensivelist of community and technical/vocational colleges in Canada. http://cset.sp.utoledo.edu/canctcol.html | |
57. Colleges And Universities In California - Graduate And Undergraduate - Vocationa Graduate Undergraduate vocational collegesUniversities.org People that have graduatedfrom college earn an average of 98% more income than people that have http://www.california-colleges.org/ | |
58. Fribourg: ECONOMIE: Vocational Education: Apprenticeships In the dual system, apprentices, depending on their chosen occupation, spend abouttwo fifths of the week at one of the vocational colleges supervised by the http://www.fr.ch/economie/en/offices/formation/appren.htm | |
59. UNESCO Thesaurus: Alphabetical List SP Música vocal UF Singing, Songs BT1 Music NT1 National anthems RT Opera Vocationalchoice USE Occupational choice vocational colleges USE Vocational schools http://www.ulcc.ac.uk/unesco/terms/list163.htm | |
60. ThailandHE Rajamangala Institute of Technology with 12 faculties and 35 campuses, Rajabhat Institutes,technical and vocational colleges, agricultural colleges, physical http://www.rihed.seameo.org/H_E_System/SEA/ThailandHE/thailandhe.html | |
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