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21. WCCUSD - OUR SCHOOLS Verde, 2000 Giaramita St, Richmond, 2370166, Janice Banks-Thompson. washington,565 Wine St, Richmond, 232-1436, Rachel Bartlett-Preston. alternative schools http://www.wccusd.k12.ca.us/os/os.htm | |
22. WCCUSD - OUR SCHOOLS Verde, 2000 Giaramita St, Richmond, 2370166, Janice Thompson. washington, 565 WineSt, Richmond, 232-1436, Rachel Bartlett-Preston. Return to top. alternative schools http://www.wccusd.k12.ca.us/sarc/ | |
23. Atlanta Public Schools These programs are offered at Crim and washington High schools. alternative Programs.The Atlanta Public School System operates six alternative schools. http://www.atlanta.k12.ga.us/our_schools/other/other_schools1.html | |
24. "Science Fiction" By Chris Mooney medical schools like George washington University continue to edits the ScientificReview of alternative Medicine, has classes at top medical schools and found http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/features/2001/0204.mooney.html | |
25. The Seattle Times: Education: State Senate Votes For Charter Schools It will let people in washington get acquainted The likely first candidates, he said,would be existing alternative schools that could covert to charters and http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/education/134652351_webcharter13.html | |
26. New Grant By Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in support of developing alternative high schools $4.85 million) will create eightnew high schools. Angelou Public Charter School, washington, DC, (receiving http://www.essentialschools.org/pub/ces_docs/news/gates_grant.html | |
27. Seattle Public Schools | Volunteer Opportunities or would like additional information, please call washington Reading Corps in treatmentprograms, or have not succeeded in regular and alternative schools. http://www.seattleschools.org/area/vol/vol_opps.xml | |
28. Alternative Network Journal - Resources Martin Mueller alternative schools and Programs Office of Superintendent of PublicInstruction washington Education Department PO Box 42700 Olympia, WA 98504 http://altnetjnl.org/resources.html | |
29. Alternatives To Expulsion 9 Teachers for alternative schools and Programs An Open Discussion w Fritz Erickson,Ed.D., Dean, College of Education, Eastern washington University, Cheney http://www.ed.mtu.edu/safe/alternatives_to_expulsion_9.htm | |
30. LWSD - Schools And District Information - Find A School schools There are twentyfive elementary schools in Lake washington School District,three alternative elementary schools and one special education pre-school. http://www.lkwash.wednet.edu/lwsd/html/schools/find.asp | |
31. Everett Public Schools/Everett Education Association/Washington Education Associ schools/Everett Education Association/washington Education Association. focus thework of schools in different Additional or alternative strategies within the http://www.k12.wa.us/accountability/Information Prior Meetings/..\Information Pr | |
32. Communications Office - News Release washington alternative High School, Vigo County schools, Vigo County, TerreHaute. These six programs were chosen from the 251 alternative http://ideanet.doe.state.in.us/reed/newsr/2003March/programs031803.html | |
33. Arlington Public Schools - Registration & Enrollment HB Woodlawn offers an alternative program for grades 9th may be obtained at all neighborhoodschools or the washingtonLee High School houses the International http://www.arlington.k12.va.us/publicinfo/reg_enroll/ | |
34. Arlington Public Schools - Frequently Asked Questions For details about the countywide alternative schools or to Five APS schools offeran immersion program Key Yes, at washingtonLee High School, (703) 228-6233 http://www.arlington.k12.va.us/publicinfo/faqs.html | |
35. HealthLinks Topics A To Z Social Services Complementary/alternative Medicine Course HealthLinks Libraries schools Medical Centers UW University of washington http//healthlinks http://healthlinks.washington.edu/topics.html | |
36. Great News For NASS And NASS Schools leadership in support of developing alternative high schools million) will create8 new high schools. Angelou Public Charter School, washington, DC (receiving http://www.streetschools.com/14press/14press.html | |
37. Richland Chamber Of Commerce - Richland Washington Rivers Edge alternative, 975 Gillespie, (509) 9422595. PAROCHIAL ANDPRIVATE schools. Aspen Academy. washington STATE UNIVERSITY TRI-CITIES. http://www.usachamber.com/richland/education.asp | |
38. Eugene School District 4J Elementary, middle, and high school programs with district news and information.Category Regional North America Education School Districts...... neighborhood schools or to alternative schools until March 7 approximately 45 percentof schools fell into the elementary school at washington Elementary, 3515 http://www.4j.lane.edu/ | |
39. Elementary Schools: Eugene School District 4J School Site . washington Elementary School. Westmoreland Elementary School. YujinGakuen Elementary School. School Site . alternative schools in italics. http://www.4j.lane.edu/schools/elementary/ | |
40. Corporal Punishment In Schools(RE9754) to encourage the use of alternative methods of 19861987 Elementary and SecondarySchools Civil Rights washington, DC Office of Civil Rights, US Department of http://www.aap.org/policy/re9754.html | |
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