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41. R&E: Welfare Reform As part of their comprehensive welfare reform, the State of Ohio conducted the analyseswere conducted a process study, an impact analysis of significant http://www.macroint.com/content/research/Welfarereform.asp | |
42. From Poverty To Punishment: How Welfare Reform Punishes The Poor An excellent analysis of the race and gender dynamics of welfare reform Anallstar team of the best progressive academics, advocates and other policy http://www.arc.org/welfare/fp2p.html | |
43. How Existing Welfare Reform Research Distorts Welfare Reality | WARP: Welfare Ad certainly answers questions about public assistance and lowwage work, but it omitsthe analysis of a Ending welfare reform as We Know It Briefing Materials. http://www.arc.org/welfare/welfareresearch.html | |
44. State-Federal Relations: Analysis And Research AFI Committee Pages. Child welfare (AFI Human Services). NCSL analysis of ChildSupport Systems Penalties and Incentive reform legislation. (May 4, 1998). http://www.ncsl.org/statefed/analysis.htm | |
45. New Democrats Online: New Dem Daily: Commentary & Analysis Commentary analysis, DLC New Dem Daily February 12, 2003 welfare reform ThatWorks Throughout the welfare reform reauthorization debate, New Democrats http://www.ndol.org/ndol_sub.cfm?kaid=131&subid=192 |
46. Welfare Reform Policy Analysis Series (The Institute) welfare reform policy analysis series. Post a Comment. EDITORIAL BOARD Nonelisted. PUBLISHER The Institute (Washington). START/END YEAR 1978 Present. http://www.getcited.org/pub/100897981 | |
47. Child Welfare And Welfare Reform Research -- Kathleen Wells policymakers, specifically, the directors of agencies responsible for implementationof welfare reform in the county in 2000 and 2001. analysis of interview http://msass.cwru.edu/faculty/kwells/research.html | |
48. Abt Associates a leader in public policy and business research and consulting for more than three decades. Abt Associate Category Business Business Services Consulting Research Services...... Responses to the HIV/ AIDS Worldwide Crisis Providing Rigorous analysis to Complex AIDSin China and Northern Vietnam The Impacts of welfare reform on Children http://www.abtassoc.com/ | |
49. Racial And Ethnic Disparities In Florida Welfare Reform: A Study Of Income Level FL InterUniversity welfare reform Collaborative, Fall 1999 in Employment Statusamong welfare Recipients, January was invaluable in the statistical analysis. http://www.academy.umd.edu/scholarship/aali/spp2000networking/florida2.htm | |
50. Leavers, Stayers, And Cyclers: An Analysis Of The Welfare Caseload - Summary Leavers, Stayers, and Cyclers. An analysis of the welfare Caseload. To someobservers, this trend is evidence that welfare reform has been a success. http://www.mdrc.org/Reports2002/leavers_stayers/leavers_stayers_summary.htm | |
51. WRREN: Policy Resources Resources include overviews on welfare reform An analysis of the Issues, welfarereform Policy analysis, Assessing the New Federalism, welfare reform Issues http://www.cyfernet.org/welfare/policy.html | |
52. Meeting The Challenge Of Welfare Reform: Workgroup Process to welfare reform. Next Steps. In the interests of communication and wanting toshare the output of this conference in a timely manner, no further analysis of http://www.cyfernet.org/welfare/workproc.html | |
53. HSR Services: Policy Research And Analysis the results of this analysis became the basis for a national meeting of expertsaddressing how to improve access to longterm care. welfare reform and State http://www.hsrnet.com/policy.htm | |
54. Welfare Reform: A Pollak Library Research Guide Urban Institute welfare reform links to several reports. CALIFORNIA Top of Pagewelfare reform in California Early Results From the Impact analysis (2002); http://guides.library.fullerton.edu/welfrefo/ | |
55. Welfare Reform In Missouri - Other Sites arrow, Federal Legislation analysis Posted by the American Public Human ServicesAssociation (http//www.aphsa.org/reform/analysis.htm). arrowBeyond welfare http://www.dss.state.mo.us/wreform/library.htm | |
56. Reforming Welfare Reform | A Special Segment On Welfare Reform | A Project Of Th Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) Center for Law and Social Policy(CLASP) provides indepth analysis of the welfare reform debate. http://www.prospect.org/issue_pages/welfare/links.html | |
57. Washingtonpost.com: Welfare Links & Resources analysis of the New welfare Legislation An extensive and fairly straightforwardanalysis of the 1996 welfare reform act, from the American Public welfare http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/welfare/links.htm | |
58. Project Vote Smart from Handsnet. welfare reform An analysis of the Issues Edited byIsabel V. Sawhill. Online from The Urban Institute. welfare and http://www.vote-smart.org/issues/WELFARE_POVERTY_HOMELESSNESS/?checking= |
59. Approaches To Evaluating Welfare Reform: Lessons From Five State Demonstrations: Instead, we recommend that evaluators confine their analysis of separate welfarereform provisions to qualitative inferences obtained on theoretical grounds or http://aspe.os.dhhs.gov/hsp/isp/waivers/chap6.htm | |
60. Welfare Reform Proposals Comparison Chart Comparison and analysis of the 1996 welfare reform Bill and 2002 Proposals.Provision. 1996 welfare Bill. 2002 Proposals. Work requirements. http://www.usccr.gov/pubs/prwora/chart.htm | |
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