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Welfare Reform Gov Agencies: more detail |
1. Human Services Policy (HSP): Welfare & Work agencies welfare reform Contacts. Implementation Guidance Website http//www.acf.dhhs.gov/news/welfare/ wrpack.htm http://aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/hspwelfare.htm | |
2. ACF - Welfare Reform on Cooperation Agreements for Economic SelfSufficiency between PHAs and TANF agencies; AGuide Expanding Health Coverage in the Post welfare-reform World - (pdf http://www.acf.hhs.gov/news/welfare/ | |
3. OPM Welfare To Work Home Page We will be happy to assist agencies in developing your an email inquiry to w2w@opm.gov ToWhite House welfare reform Information Page; To National Partnership http://www.opm.gov/wtw/ | |
4. Government Employment For Welfare Recipients FOR THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND agencies. SUBJECT Government Employmentfor welfare Recipients. Since I signed the historic welfare reform law, I http://www.opm.gov/wtw/html/welfarem.htm | |
5. Welfare Resources Internet Sources FEDERAL agencies/INFORMATION US DEPARTMENT OF ASSISTANCE (OFA)www.acf.dhhs.gov/programs/ofa TANF was created by the welfare reform Law of http://www.cohhio.org/resources/welfare.html | |
6. Contextual Variations In Welfare Reform Organizations, agencies Resources USDA Documents Documents from the US Department of Agriculture presenting impacts of the welfare reform Act upon food assistance programs. organizations monitors implementation of welfare reform by the states. of the Federal welfare reform Act's fiscal effect http://aspe.os.dhhs.gov/hsp/isp/tap45.htm | |
7. DHHS, Office For Civil Rights - Welfare Reform TA Caseworkers on Civil Rights Law and welfare reform, Office for the EEOC website,http//www.eeoc.gov ADA and Section 504 prohibit TANF agencies from utilizing http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/prohibition.html | |
8. Welfare Reform Research (WRR) Database: Housing welfare reform Changes Will Further Shape the Roles of Housing agencies and HUD. http//www.gao.gov http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/irp/wrr/housing.htm | |
10. Welfare Reform - Intro not usually offered by service agencies because their fax 202659-2469; Internetwelfare@reeusda.gov. Prepared by the CSREES welfare reform Task Force, that http://www.reeusda.gov/4h/welfare/welfare.htm | |
11. Welfare Reform Research (WRR) Database: Management & Administration http//www.gao.gov. Are Above Average TopDown Versus Bottom-Up Perspectives ofWelfare reform. with the Department Directors of Human Service agencies in 29 http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/irp/wrr/mgt-admin.htm | |
12. Welfare Reform Research (WRR) Database: Health Insurance - Children welfare reform Research (WRR) Database Health Insurance Children. state Medicaidand CHIP agencies; discusses findings http//www.dhhs.gov/progorg/oei/reports http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/irp/wrr/healthins-kids.htm | |
13. Housing And Welfare Reform: Strategic Intersections In Place-Based Strategies agencies and HUD. GAO/RCED98-148. http//www.gao.gov/AIndexFY98/abstracts/rc98148.htm.US Department of Housing and Urban Development. Making welfare reform http://www.welfareinfo.org/housingresource.htm | |
14. 93.595 - Welfare Reform Research, Evaluations And National Studies agencies where applicants are limited to those agencies. the hardto-employ; ruralwelfare reform initiatives, evaluations 3598, E-Mail KKOERPER@ACF.DHHS.gov. http://www.cfda.gov/public/viewprog.asp?progid=1292 |
15. 93.647 - Social Services Research And Demonstration project involves the use of other agencies, facilities, or http//www.acf.dhhs.gov/programs/ocs forNeedy Families; 93.595, welfare reform Research, Evaluations http://www.cfda.gov/public/viewprog.asp?progid=1306 |
16. Fact Sheet: President Announces Welfare Reform Agenda these support programs, which now operate under different agencies, different rules toreach a historic, bipartisan agreement to reform the welfare system. http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/02/20020226.html | |
17. Governmentwide Implementation Of The President's Welfare-to-Work Initiative For to assist the Federal grantmaking agencies, grantees, and reform Network home page(http//www.arnet.gov). to the White House welfare reform information page http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/fedreg/omb-not.html | |
18. CFDA: 93.595: Welfare Reform Research, Evaluations And National Studies agencies where applicants are limited to those agencies. Research and Demonstrationand 93.595, welfare reform Research, Evaluations Mail KKOERPER@ACF.DHHS.gov http://aspe.hhs.gov/cfda/p93595.htm | |
19. Welfare Reform to other Websites and Federal agencies Housing Services welfare reform Archives(Go to welfare reform Archives) Press at lori_bonicelli@carper.senate.gov. http://carper.senate.gov/welfare reform.html | |
20. Implementing Welfare Reform Requirements For Teenage Parents: Lessons From Exper Implementing welfare reform Requirements for Teenage Parents Lessons from Experiencein If state welfare agencies want to provide meaningful assistance to http://aspe.os.dhhs.gov/hsp/isp/teepareq/xsteen.htm | |
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