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61. Welfare Reform Fund - 2000 Grants affordable, accessible transportation; affordable housing; and affordable, qualityhealth insurance. North Carolina welfare reform Collaborative Raleigh, NC, http://www.publicwelfare.org/grants/welfare_reform_fund/2000_grants.asp | |
62. Welfare Reform Fund - 2001 Grants for poor people in the areas of education, training, jobs, housing, and economic andadd their voices to the public debate about reform of the welfare system http://www.publicwelfare.org/grants/welfare_reform_fund/2001_grants.asp | |
63. Chicago Assembly Background Papers The Politics of welfare reform Is Relief in Sight? The Politics of Fiscal reformin Illinois / Charles J Affordable housing in Metropolitan Chicago (1991). http://www.harrisschool.uchicago.edu/research/curps/papers.html | |
64. CHILDREN NOW: Children And Welfare Reform Explore solutions to the problems children may face in welfare reform implementation(eg, inadequate child care, unstable housing) and examine obstacles to http://www.childrennow.org/economics/WelfRef98/WelfareReformShortDoc.html | |
65. Information - Federal Welfare Reform, Job Search, Temporary Financial Assistance The Department of housing and Urban Development welfare reform Impactson the Public housing Program A Preliminary Forecast. Department http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/region10/wr/ | |
66. Harvard Gazette: Three-city Study to the report, however, many families considered to be welfare reform success stories are still struggling to make ends meet because of high housing costs. http://www.news.harvard.edu/gazette/2002/07.18/06-welfare.html | |
67. UMASS RESEARCH examined the connection between Massachusetts welfare reform and families' use ofemergency services shelters, food pantries, fuel, and housing assistance. http://www.umb.edu/research/commonwealth/page03.html | |
68. Real Public Housing Reform By Howard Husock are likely to bring housing policy much more in line with the emphasis on personalresponsibility and work that has made federal welfare reform so successful. http://www.city-journal.org/html/eon_2_12_03hh.html | |
69. Welfare Reform - Kids And Working Parents - 1999 Outlook Grim Associated Press article about how violations of federal, state and local laws leaves children abused Category Society Issues Poverty Homelessness...... strict welfare reform law. The wolf may be approaching the door, but it's not thereyet, said Philip Mangano, executive director of the Massachusetts housing http://www.join-hands.com/welfare/homeless.html | |
70. 1994 Welfare Reform 1992 welfare reform, 1994 welfare reform, 1996 Block Grant reform, Crosswalk 1992,1994, 1996, Drug Testing, , Direction 21 - Increasing housing Options (1992). http://www.michigan.gov/fia/0,1607,7-124-5459_7342_7924---,00.html | |
71. NCC Welfare Reform Survey Finds More Working People Poor, Hungry welfare reform has worked best, the survey found, where states provide significant servicessuch as Medicaid, Food Stamps, subsidies for housing and child care http://www.ncccusa.org/news/01news14.html | |
72. Commonwealth Department Of Family And Community Services | Publications Relationships Federal Electorate Profiles Homelessness housing Indigenous Means Test ResearchSeniors Information Tax reform welfare reform Youth Bureau http://www.facs.gov.au/internet/facsinternet.nsf/aboutfacs/respubs/nav.htm | |
73. How Are Immigrants Faring After Welfare Reform? Preliminary Evidence From Los An measures, including poverty, food insecurity, moderate hunger, housing problems,and lack in 1999 to 2000, roughly three years after welfare reform was enacted http://aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/immigrants-faring02/ | |
74. Links welfare reform State Links; White House welfare reform. housing Associationof Community Organizations for reform Now (ACORN); Fair housing Council; http://www.homesforthehomeless.com/linksframe.html | |
75. Welfare Reform - Intro resources necessary for life (ie., food, medical assistance, housing). of the document, Cooperative Extensino System Response to welfare reform Programs that http://www.reeusda.gov/4h/welfare/welfare.htm | |
76. Bookmarks For Mark Creekmore housing Institute The Enterprise Foundation Home Page National housing Institute NetworkNCSLnet welfare reform NGA Center for Best Practices welfare reform http://www.si.umich.edu/Classes/697/creekmore.html | |
77. Economic And Community Supports Welfare Reform Longitudinal participants' demographic characteristics, household composition, welfare use, employmentand income, medical coverage, child care, housing, and transportation http://www.dhs.state.mn.us/ecs/welfare/basesumm.htm |
78. Colorado Welfare Reform Colorado Fiscal Project Archives Index, Colorado welfare reform Support Project,Domestic Health/MentalHealth archives index, housing/Homelessness archives index,I http://www.cudenver.edu/cwr/page1.html | |
79. Research On The Interaction Of Welfare Reform And Housing Programs Grant Competi contract research organizations, and communitybased organizations to apply for fundingto research the interaction of welfare reform with housing programs and http://anduin.eldar.org/~ben/scout/html/1050.html | |
80. Welfare Reform The truth is we do not yet know. More Symposium. Should HousingHave a Role in welfare reform? A substantial number of the http://www.urban.org/welfare/overview.htm | |
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