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41. Wfn.org | NCC STATEMENT ON PENDING WELFARE REFORM LEGISLATION From the Worldwide Faith News archives www.wfn.org. NCC STATEMENT ONPENDING welfare reform legislation. From CAROL_FOUKE.parti@ecunet http://www.wfn.org/1996/07/msg00268.html | |
42. Links :Committee On Ways & Means :: U.S. House Of Representatives : Only Alternatives (February 28, 2002) Author of Original welfare reform legislationSupports Bush`s Continued Emphasis on Work (February 26, 2002) Bush`s http://waysandmeans.house.gov/Links.asp?section=48 |
43. Welfare Reform Resources of children, youth and families in almost every community across the countrywill be affected by the provisions of the 1996 welfare reform legislation. http://www.cyfernet.org/welfare.html | |
44. Welfare Reform Coordinating Committee welfare reform. The WRCC was instrumental in the 1994 passage of Missouri'swelfare reform legislation, HB1547/961. The committee's http://www.dss.state.mo.us/wreform/wrcc.htm | |
45. ROCKEFELLER CALLS COMPROMISE LEGISLATION A STEP FORWARD FOR WELFARE REFORM The goal of the original welfare reform legislation in 1996 was to promote workand selfsufficiency, and it has been very successful in moving toward that. http://rockefeller.senate.gov/2002/pr062602.html | |
46. CED -- Committee For Economic Development -- Independent, Non-Partisan, Public P CED is an independent, nonprofit, nonpartisan public policy organization comprised of business and Category Society Issues Policy Institutes C...... read. Welfare Reform and Beyond A CED Policy Update. Landmark nationalwelfare reform legislation is up for Congressional renewal this fall. http://www.ced.org/ | |
47. Welfare Reform Landmark national welfare reform legislation is up for Congressional renewalthis fall. CED's new welfare policy update offers proposals http://www.ced.org/projects/welfare.htm | |
48. WELFARE REFORM IMPACTS ON THE PUBLIC HOUSING PROGRAM: A PRELIMINARY FORECAST to work. Federal welfare reform legislation allows for a fiveyearassistance period to mandated households. However, states have http://www.huduser.org/publications/pubasst/welfare/intro.html | |
49. 080502 - Reauthorization Of The 1996 Welfare Reform Legislation August 5, 2002. To Media Opinion Editors Star Ledger, Record, NYTimes. Re Reauthorization of the 1996 welfare reform legislation. http://humanconcerns.olqp.org/Letters/080502 - Reauthorization Welfare Reform.ht |
50. Legislation Moving Through Congress Would Cut Welfare Reform Funds For 16 States Legislation Moving Through Congress Would Cut Welfare Reform Funds for 16States View HTML version of full report. - View PDF of full report. http://www.cbpp.org/6-23-00wel.htm | |
51. House Democratic Caucus: Taskforces and hear views on the various options our Caucus should consider to reach consensuswhen the House considers reauthorization of welfare reform legislation. http://dcaucusweb.house.gov/taskforces/index.asp?tf=Welfare Reform&ID=22 |
52. The Brookings Institution for Needy Families (TANF) program and a number of related programs that were createdor dramatically altered by the 1996 landmark welfare reform legislation. http://www.brook.edu/press/books/welfare_reform_and_beyond.htm | |
53. WR&B: Welfare Reform Reauthorization: An Overview Of Problems And Issues -- Ron Although the 1996 welfare reform legislation has produced a number of positive outcomes,there are serious issues facing the 107th Congress as it prepares to http://www.brook.edu/wrb/publications/pb/pb02/pb02.htm | |
54. CAWEE The welfare reform legislation that includes the superwaiver, HR 4092, is scheduledto be considered by the House Education and the Work Force Committee on http://www.cawee.org/Legal/perkins43002.htm | |
55. Ms Foundation | Issues | Economic Security | Welfare Reform Mini-Grants forge crucial relationships with local and state officials, make significant policygains, and impact statewide efforts to improve welfare reform legislation. http://www.ms.foundation.org/issues-economic-minigrants.html | |
56. Letter To College And University Presidents Regarding TANF Letter to College and University Presidents Regarding the Temporary Assistancefor Needy Families (TANF) welfare reform legislation. June 19, 2002. http://www.acenet.edu/washington/letters/2002/06june/presidents.tanf.cfm | |
57. NACo - Projects - Workforce Development Social Services - 64%) stated that their county has started to implement a jobs program for countywelfare recipients in response to the new welfare reform legislation. http://www.naco.org/programs/social/welfare/survey.cfm |
58. Catholic Worker Movement - PeterMaurin A contemporary essay in the Catholic Worker tradition. A Peacemaker'sResponse to welfare reform legislation By Betsy Clark, SSJ. http://www.catholicworker.org/roundtable/essaytext.cfm?Number=18 |
59. Edited By Lawrence B. Joseph / Families, Poverty, And Welfare Reform Sweeping federal welfare reform legislation signed by President Clinton in 1996has terminated the decadesold program of Aid to Families with Dependent http://www.press.uillinois.edu/s00/joseph.html | |
60. Policy Page #49 May 23, 1997 No. 49. welfare reform legislation in the Last Daysof the Session Moving Dying Lurking. As expected, welfare reform http://www.cppp.org/products/policypages/36-55/36-55html/PP49.html | |
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