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61. Center For Civic Culture Center For Religion And Civic Culture Charitable Choice In Congress's 1996 welfare reform legislation These are the wordsused by Congress to insert Charitable Choice into its 1996 welfare reform http://www.usc.edu/dept/LAS/religion_online/welfare/policy.html | |
62. Immigrant And Native Responses To Welfare Reform the response of foreignborn non-citizens between these states to investigate whetherthe immigrant provisions of federal welfare reform legislation had a http://papers.nber.org/papers/w8541 | |
63. Women And Their Families Advocacy is Needed on welfare reform legislation If Not Now, When? Action Alerton welfare reform legislation TANF (5/02); Hate Crimes Action Alert (5/02). http://www.apa.org/ppo/issues/pwomen.html | |
64. Welfare Reform Column the punch. The year before, in 1995, when I was a member of the StateSenate, we passed welfare reform legislation for Louisiana. http://www.gov.state.la.us/policy/98column/wc092298.htm | |
65. TANF Reauthorization Home Page -- An NCC Issues And Actions Guide Social Policy. Book Washington's New Poor Law Chronicles 66 Yearsof welfare reform legislation. Audio Conferences Ongoing Center http://www.ncccusa.org/publicwitness/tanf.html | |
66. Welfare Reform And Pensions Act 1999 is published by The Stationery Office Limited as the welfare reform and Pensions Furtherinformation about the publication of legislation on this website can http://www.hmso.gov.uk/acts/acts1999/19990030.htm | |
67. Colorado Welfare Reform legislation Organizations Sponsors Contact Us Home Page Help. Colorado WelfareReformThis is an independent, nonpartisan information clearing house for http://carbon.cudenver.edu/public/cwr/ | |
68. Literacy Information And Communication System (LINCS) Policy And Legislation - W welfare legislation. Working Toward Independence The President's Plan to Strengthenwelfare reform; The Office of Family Assistance (OFA), located in the US http://www.nifl.gov/lincs/collections/policy/welfare.html | |
69. Issue Brief: Understanding Welfare Reform In Nevada By Robert Rector. Prior to the election, Congress passed historic welfarereform legislation which President Clinton reluctantly signed into law. http://www.npri.org/issues/issues96/welfare_reform.htm | |
70. Commonwealth Department Of Family And Community Services | Welfare Reform These changes are still subject to the passage of legislation. in 1999 with the establishmentof the broadly based Reference Group on welfare reform chaired by http://www.facs.gov.au/internet/facsinternet.nsf/aboutfacs/programs/esp-welfare_ | |
71. Welcome To The National Welfare Rights Network Website Media Release 11 November 2002 New report reveals 1.2 million to be atrisk from tough Centrelink penalties in welfare reform legislation. http://www.welfarerights.org.au/ | |
72. Current Legislation - The Next Step Toward Welfare Reform The Next Step Toward welfare reform A Manual for Enacting Tax Credits.for Charitable Contributions. March 1998. 6. Model legislation. http://www.beaconhill.org/BHIStudies/NextStepWR/nsmodelleg.html | |
73. Current Legislation - The Next Step Toward Welfare Reform Step Toward welfare reform A Manual for Enacting Tax Credits. for Charitable Contributions.March 1998. 5. Current and Proposed State Tax Credit legislation (as http://www.beaconhill.org/BHIStudies/NextStepWR/nscurrentl.html | |
74. Washingtonpost.com: Welfare Special Report sharply 12 percent in the year after the reform legislation was passed. Thatdecline prompted Clinton to declare that We now know that welfare reform works http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/welfare/welfare.htm | |
75. Washingtonpost.com: Welfare Links & Resources See their welfare reform page, their chart showing the decline in welfare caseloadsby state, a summary of the 1996 reform legislation, and a side by side http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/welfare/links.htm | |
76. Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation - Promoting Entrepreneurship And resources about the reauthorization of the welfare reform bill. This briefing wasthe first in a series regarding the reauthorization of the TANF legislation. http://www.emkf.org/pages/299.cfm |
77. Senate Vote On HR 3734 - Welfare Reform welfare reform With bipartisan support and the endorsement of President Clinton,the House and Senate approved legislation that preyed on the limited rights http://archive.aclu.org/vote-guide/Senate_HR3734.html | |
78. Governor Proposes Legislation To Continue Welfare Reform Governor Proposes legislation To Continue welfare reform. Plan Targetswelfare Fraud and Abuse to Continue Historic Declines in Rolls. http://www.state.ny.us/governor/press/june15_2_98.html | |
79. CBS News | House Approves Welfare Legislation | February 13, 2003 19:50:38 (AP) The House approved Republican a welfare reform bill Thursday Nearly identicalto a plan put forth by President Bush, the GOP legislation passed by a 230 http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/02/13/politics/main540588.shtml | |
80. GOP.gov - News From Republicans In Congress Pryce Applauds House Passage of welfare reform Feb. 12 US Congressman Jim DeMint(RS.C.) introduced bipartisan legislation today to provide Americas http://www.gop.gov/ | |
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