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1. USGS National Wetlands Research Center: Wetlands Ecology Branch Research related to sustainable management and restoration of the USA coastal saltwater wetlands, Category Science Biology Ecology Aquatic Ecology Research Centers...... wetlands ecology Branch. Chief C. Edward Proffitt, Ph.D. (edward_proffitt@usgs.gov)Phone 337/266 8509 Fax 337/266- 8592. MISSION http://www.nwrc.usgs.gov/about/web/wtlndeco.htm | |
2. USGS National Wetlands Research Center: Wetlands Ecology Branch wetlands ecology Branch. Chief C. Edward Proffitt, Ph.D. http://www.nwrc.gov/about/web/wtlndeco.htm | |
3. USGS National Wetlands Research Center: WEB Staff Profiles wetlands ecology Branch Staff Profiles. Larry K. Allain Botanist. Ronald G. Boustany- General Biologist. Jacoby Carter - Ecologist. James B. Grace - Ecologist. http://www.nwrc.usgs.gov/about/web/webstaff.htm | |
4. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Wetlands Ecology And Management Regulations and Permits Wetland technical document series A 1992 series of technical reports on Wetland Mitigation Replacement Ratios, Wetlands Buffers, and Wetland Mitigation Banking. Welcome to Ecology's Wetlands Page. Follow the links below for more information. http://www.wkap.nl/jrnltoc.htm/0923-4861 | |
5. Wetlands Ecology And Management The Journal wetlands ecology and Management, Mangroves and Salt Marshes,and service design and development. wetlands ecology and Management. http://www.environmental-center.com/magazine/kluwer/wetl/ | |
6. Wetlands Ecology Page to the Haw River, we take particular interest in teaching about wetland ecology. environmentalissues and solutions for North Carolina's wetlands, inland, and http://www.hawriverprogram.org/Courses/Wetland_page.html | |
7. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Wetlands Ecology And Management Papers on international wetlands issues, bridging the management and academic research areas. Incorporates 'Mangroves and Salt Marshes'. http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0923-4861 | |
8. Wetlands Ecology Program çHome, wetlands ecology. People. Calhoun, AJK 1998. Book Review. NorthernForested wetlands ecology and management. Forest Science 44 329330. http://www.umaine.edu/pse/wetlands/calhoun.htm | |
9. Wetlands Ecology Program Characterization of eastern US sprucefir soils. In Eager C. and MB Adams(eds.) Ecology and Decline of Red Spruce in the Eastern United States. http://www.umaine.edu/pse/FS/fs.htm | |
10. Wetlands Ecology wetlands ecology. The Center for Wetlands is actively involved in research in severalareas of wetlands ecology * Constructed wetlands and plant succession. http://www.cfw.ufl.edu/Wetlands ecology.htm | |
11. Wetland Certificate The Center advances education and knowledge through research on the structure andfunction of wetlands, wetlands ecology, wetlands management and ecological http://www.cfw.ufl.edu/Wetland certificate.htm | |
12. Wetlands Ecology wetlands ecology. Award 3490. Teach a seminar to advanced undergraduatestudents and young professionals on wetlands ecology and monitoring. http://www.cies.org/award_book/award2003/award/Wet3490.htm | |
13. Massachusetts Office Of Coastal Zone Management State information on topics such as coastal water quality, coastal wetlands ecology, shoreline access, port planning, underwater archaeology, and marine aquaculture. http://www.state.ma.us/czm/czm.htm | |
14. Wetlands Ecology And Management NewJour Home NewJour W Search Prev Next wetlands ecologyand Management. Cynthia Reid wrote From Cynthia Reid nj@ccat http://gort.ucsd.edu/newjour/w/msg02471.html | |
15. Wetlands Ecology wetlands ecology. FNR 540. Instructors, Olin E. Rhodes, Jr. Office, FORS 307.Phone, 765494-3601. Email, gener@fnr.purdue.edu. Office Hour, Tuesday 500 -600 pm. http://www.fnr.purdue.edu/fi/rhodes/fnr540.htm | |
16. Wetlands Ecology January 30, Ecotoxicology Guest Speaker Raymond OConnor, Chapter 9. February6, Metapopulation Ecology, Chapter 1. April 17, Landscape Ecology, Chapter 10. http://www.fnr.purdue.edu/fi/rhodes/fnr598P.htm | |
17. Wetlands Ecology Services wetlands ecology Services. Photography by Suresh Sookbir. Examples of wetlands ecologyservices provided for technical advisory and research projects include http://www.ima.gov.tt/taswetlands_ecology_services.htm | |
18. Wetlands Ecosystem Research Group Consists of faculty and staff members at Amherst and other collaborating institutions. Engaged since the late 1960's in research, teaching and public service on freshwater and marine wetlands ecology and management. http://www.umass.edu/tei/werg/ | |
19. Rural Action | ELP | SchoolLinks | Aquatics Exploration & Wetlands Ecology Aquatics Exploration wetlands ecology In the ELP Learning Episode on AquaticExplorations, students will learn to use aquatic nets and other related http://www.ruralaction.org/schoollinks5.html | |
20. Fundamentals Of Wetlands Ecology become outdated. Fundamentals of wetlands ecology, Sponsoring Organization,United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Target Audience, http://www.epa.gov/owow/watershed/wacademy/training/bkley4.html | |
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