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41. Hoedspruit Research And Breeding Centre For Endangered Species, Cheetah, Norther art works that will be sold for the benefit of the endangered Species Protection Projecton a regular basis with the birth thirteen of wild dogs, eight African http://www.cheetahresearch.co.za/news/feb2000.html | |
42. Hoedspruit Research And Breeding Centre For Endangered Species, Cheetah, Norther Larger prey is attacked on the run. wild dogs are extremely sociable and will waitfor the young to finish eating before they claim their part of the kill. http://www.cheetahresearch.co.za/wilddog.html | |
43. EWT - The Endangered Wildlife Trust Africa's most endangered carnivore and one of the most endangered carnivore species ofwhich is to establish a second viable population of wild dogs in South http://www.ewt.org.za/working_groups/ccg_main.htm | |
44. Mapping Wild Dogs 24·E) reports that wild dogs are extirpated. Ethiopia. Lycaon, although enjoyinga wider distribution in Ethiopia than the critically endangered Ethiopian wolf http://www.canids.org/PUBLICAT/CNDNEWS1/afrwldog.htm | |
45. Executive Summary Of CSG's African Wild Dog Action Plan and buffer zones, and encouraging land use favourable to wildlife on reserve borders,will therefore benefit wild dogs even more than other endangered species. http://www.canids.org/PUBLICAT/AWDACTPL/execsumm.htm | |
46. Nature Publishing Group The African wild dog Lycaon pictus is critically endangered, with only about 5,000 thereis a negative relationship between the densities of wild dogs and of http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v391/n6666/full/ |
47. News Articles - September 21, 2001 The African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) is South Africa's most endangered carnivore.Historically, conflict between wild dogs and livestock has the result in http://www.emirror.co.za/archive/2001/september/21th/newssept21.asp?StoNum=1 |
48. CDC - Distemper Outbreak And Its Effect On African Wild Dog Conservation Conservation of endangered species, both freeliving and captive, has been thereforeconclude that any further attempts to breed African wild dogs in captivity http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/eid/vol8no2/01-0314.htm | |
49. Education Planet Environment,Animals,Endangered Species,Mammals,startat10 Lesson SHEA Park, Exotic Animal Sanctuary SHEA PARK endangered Species Sanctuary for Large Africanwild dogs - African wild dogs were once common in virtually every http://www.educationplanet.com/search/Environment/Animals/Endangered_Species/Mam | |
50. Mkomazi: Wild Dogs breeding and translocation program for the critically endangered African wild Dog areawhere the local Masai pastoralists poison the dogs in retaliation http://www.mkomazi.com/wilddogs.html | |
51. SA Hunters And Game Conservation Association wiping another few of Africas second most endangered carnivore. Please call theCarnivore Conservation Group for advice and assistance on wild dogs at 011 http://www.sahunt.co.za/sahunter/frontpage/wilddog.html | |
52. Wild Dog Books. There Are Books Of Fiction And Non-fiction. National Geographic Book of Mammals. HARDCOVER. dogs wild and Domestic (AnimalFamilies). by Markus Kappeler. LIBRARY BINDING. Wolves (endangered). by Casey Horton. http://www.planet-pets.com/bookwdog.htm | |
53. Wild Dog Information Project...Wild Dogs Of The World an active role in protecting wild dogs, although this can and livestock production,however, the wild dog was Lycaon pictus Africa's most endangered carnivore. http://www.planet-pets.com/plntwdog.htm | |
54. Animal Science Careers And Resources: Animal Rights, Endangered Species, Wild An Society US Fish wildlife endangered Zoology Scholarly Information United StatesWar dogs Association Cats Cats Veterinary Information Cats - wild to Mild http://www.khake.com/page10.html | |
55. Wild Dogs Once found all over subSaharan Africa, wild dogs were even known to have had populationsof dogs in the be given the IUCN classification of endangered Species http://www.afrikeye.net/Conservation/AWDC/wild_dogs.htm | |
56. African Wild Dogs Of Zambia. It is here that the endangered African wild Dog has made its home The 10day'African wild dogs Other wildlife Safari' offers the adventurous nature http://www.travelwithachallenge.com/Africa_Wild_Dogs.htm | |
57. Sunik wild dogs. wild dogs are endangered animals. They are 4256 inchesin length. They weigh 44-60 pounds. wild dogs are 30 inches tall. http://www.asij.ac.jp/elementary/gr2web/c2s/Africa_website/sunik.htm | |
58. Painted Dog Conservation Further Reading Video, Running wild.jpg (33107 bytes)Running wild, A wild Dog Tale,© SABC 1999. RasmussenGSA, 1996 Highly endangered Painted Hunting dogs used as an http://painteddogconservation.iinet.net.au/Reading.htm | |
59. African Wildlife Foundation: News And Headlines 100 pounds. Large packs have been known to take zebras and even elands.But African wild dogs are a globally endangered species. http://www.awf.org/news/10502 | |
60. Animal Fact Sheets African wild dogs are an endangered species.** Researchers estimate there are fewerthan 6,000 wild dogs left in the wild, and the population is currently http://www.zoo.org/educate/fact_sheets/wilddog/wld_dog.htm | |
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