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61. African Wild Dog References - Woodland Park Zoo Sites African wild Dog http//www.amnh.org/nationalcenter/endangered/dog/dog AmericanMuseum of Natural History Photo archive of African wild dogs from Animal http://www.zoo.org/wild_dog/references.htm | |
62. Rabies In African Wild Dogs (Lycaon Pictus) In The Madikwe Game Reserve Paper from the Rabies Unit, Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute, 1999.Category Science Biology Carnivora Canines African wild Dog...... The African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) is an endangered canid species, which formerly 12African wild dogs are nomadic, highly social canids and form packs of up http://www.vet.uga.edu/ivcvm/1999/Hofmeyr/hofmeyr.htm | |
63. Wild Dogs (K-4) wild dogs. wild dogs are not pets. It is believed that they were once domesticated,but became wild again. The Gray Wolf is an endangered species. http://www.nmsu.edu/~molbio/dog/wildog.html | |
64. Environmental Conservation - Resources Habitats Species - WWF South Africa Their decline in numbers, and hence their endangered status, can be attributed inpart and isolated, with the only large, viable population of wild dogs in the http://www.panda.org.za/conservation/environmental/focalpriorities.htm | |
65. Wild Dogs In Pet_Directory/Pets/Dogs/Wild_Dogs - SimplyPets.com supports captive breeding of endangered canines such as African wild Dog and EthiopianWolf, promotes conservation of Coyotes and Dingo. wild dogs Rate Site http://www.simplypets.com/Pet_Directory/Pets/Dogs/Wild_Dogs/ | |
66. Brookfield Zoo | Field Guide - African Wild Dog There are fewer than 5,000 African wild dogs left in the wild, makingthem one of the most endangered large mammals in the world. http://www.brookfieldzoo.org/pagegen/htm/fix/fg/fg_body.asp?sAnimal=African wild |
67. Wild Dogs Need Urgent Conservation To Save Them wild dogs are in trouble. They are the most endangered carnivore species in SouthAfrica, with the only viable population occurring in the Kruger National Park http://www.wildlifedecisionsupport.com/interact/news/605.html | |
68. Harnas September 1997, a group of maltreated wild dogs was rescued and as a result of this,a new project, protecting and rehabilitating these endangered species, was http://www.harnas.org/harnas/projekte.html | |
69. TWD -- Wolves And Wild Dogs THE WOLF THE ECOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR OF AN endangered SPECIES Mech, L. David c FOXES,WOLVES, AND wild dogs OF THE WORLD Alderton, David c.1994, Facts On File ISBN http://my.erinet.com/~jwoolf/wolves.html | |
70. WILD DOGS lands of Southern Africa. An endangered species, African wild Dogsfind protection and companionship in extendedfamily groups. http://www.pulseplanet.com/archive/Jun98/1638.html | |
71. Mala Mala News - NOVEMBER 1996 - WILD DOGS ON MALAMALA The endangered African wild dog is a social species, the average pack size in and tohear that, as of January this year, a pair of wild dogs was regularly seen http://www.africantravel.com/rattray/news/mmn9610.html | |
72. Wildlife Pictures - Information & News -- Pregnant Wild Dogs Released Into Umfol wild dogs are critically endangered, with only about 4 000 left inthe world. The dogs two males and two females - had been kept http://www.wildlifepics.co.za/news/100401.html | |
73. African Wild Dog Future of endangered African wild dogs The future of African wild dogs is lookingbrighter after the birth of a big litter at Zululand's HluhluweUmfolozi Park http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/Science/Animals/Mammals/African_Wild_Dog/ |
74. EWCP - Threats To Ethiopian Wolves Is The endangered Ethiopian Wolf The Next Mammal Candidate For Extinction? Wolves,coyotes, wild dogs and foxes have been persecuted and killed for hundreds of http://www.wildcru.org/endangeredspecies/ethiopianwolf/ewcp/threats.htm | |
75. Wildfile-May wild dogs may not be Africa's fastest, largest or most beautiful creatures but ahealthy population of these wideranging endangered means there's still time. http://www.outthere.co.za/may97/wildmay1.html | |
76. African Wild Dogs - Pictures, Breeders, Puppies, Rescues African wild dogs are the continent's most endangered predator. African wild dogpacks numbering a hundred or more animals a century ago, now are about 10. http://www.gotpetsonline.com/pictures-gallery/dogs-pictures/african-wild-dogs-pi | |
77. Wild Dogs Links Page WILDLIFE CONSERVATION MONITORING CENTRE www.wcmc.org.uk. endangered WILDLIFETRUST www.ewt.org.za/. WORLD WIDE FUND FOR NATURE www.panda.org/. http://www.mluri.sari.ac.uk/wilddogs/wdlinks.htm | |
78. Wild Dog Background Info The African wild dog is a highly endangered large carnivore with only an estimated3000 5000 occuring naturally in the wild. The population of wild dogs in the http://www.mluri.sari.ac.uk/wilddogs/wdback.htm | |
79. Dogs : Wild Dogs Websites related to wild dogs Wolf dogs Preserving Our World's wild Canines Thewild Dog Foundation support captive breeding of highly endangered canines http://dogs.yellopet.com/dogbreeds_a_to_z/wild_dogs_wolf_dogs.htm | |
80. SWAN /All Libraries 2002 3 African wild dogs / by Victor Gentle And Janet Perry. 2002 4 All The King'sAnimals The Return Of endangered wildlife To Swaziland / written And http://swan.sls.lib.il.us:90/kids/0,11,35/search/dendangered species/dendangered | |
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