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61. Wildlife In Norway And Elsewhere; How We Treat Endangered Species Bear Watch The Bear Den American Bear Association World wildlife Fund. Click toenlarge. THE LYNX (norw gaupe ) The wolverine is greatly feared, as is most http://home.no.net/norweagl/wild/wild.htm | |
62. Furbearer Management By providing the carcass of any wolverine they catch, trappers can provideFish and wildlife Division with valuable information on this species. http://www.albertaoutdoorsmen.ca/trappingregs/furbearer-management.htm | |
63. Biogeography Of Wolverine (Gulo Gulo) Legal Foundation and Predator Project, two American nonprofit groups, petitionedthe US Fish and wildlife Service (FWS) to list the wolverine as threatened or http://bss.sfsu.edu/geog/bholzman/courses/Fall00Projects/wolverine.html | |
64. Wolverine Yukon Mammal Series. wolverine. THE SPECIES Gulo gulo. Tales tell of grizzliesand wolves backing down from the wolverine in confrontations over food. http://www.renres.gov.yk.ca/wildlife/wolverine.html |
65. Upland Wildlife In contrast to wolverine, the majority of verified lynx locations corresponded to Whatwildlife species are extinct, federally listed, or otherwise at risk? http://www.co.missoula.mt.us/measures/uplandwildlife.htm | |
66. Trails End Taxidery. Wildlife Artistry By Greg McBride. Hair On Tanning/Hides, Rug, Shoulder Mount. Lifesize, Trails End wildlife http://www.trailsendart.com/gallery/wolverine.html | |
67. Montana Trapping Regulations Otter, wolverine, Fisher Bobcat Pelts must be tagged by Fish, wildlife Parkspersonnel residing in the trapping district where animal was taken within 5 http://www.montanatrappers.org/regulations/licenses.htm | |
68. Alaskan Wildlife Photocd Produced By Corel The following is a list of the photos on Corel's Alaskan wildlife PhotoCD. (coyote;trees;grass;canine;) thumbnail 173076 wolverine on snow. http://www.emsps.com/photocd/corel/173000.htm | |
69. 4 W AIR-ALASKA WILDLIFE BEARS MOOSE CARIBOU SHEEP EAGLES On some occassions, we might even spot a WOLF or wolverine! We offera MULTITUDE OF OPTIONS for the wildlife watcher and photographer. http://www.alaska.net/~fourwair/4wawlife.htm | |
70. Alaska Wildlife Watching Trips- in early June, attracting predators such as wolves, grizzly bears, wolverine, foxes,eagles and we meander through the brushy lowlands which teem with wildlife. http://www.alaska.net/~erukwild/wildlife.htm | |
71. Kids Wildlife Facts wildlife Facts Below are some interesting facts about the wildlife in Lake ClarkNational Park and Preserve. The wolverine has strong teeth and powerful jaws. http://www.nps.gov/lacl/kids/kidswildlife.htm | |
72. Error - Page Not Found Six groups petitioned the Fish and wildlife Service last week to protectthe wolverine under the Endangered Species Act. The petition http://www.wilderness.org/standbylands/orv/skidmarks_072800.htm | |
73. Environment, Lands And Parks Annual Report 1999: Wildlife, Habitat And Enforceme headed by the wildlife Branch. Coordinate development and implementation of the VancouverIsland Marmot Recovery Plan. Continue the northern wolverine research http://wlapwww.gov.bc.ca/main/annrep/ar99/The Wildlife Habitat and Enforcement D | |
74. Biodiversity Conservation In British Columbia sensitive species wildlife health ecosystem health. wildlife biologistexamining a sedated wolverine. developing strategies to protect http://wlapwww.gov.bc.ca/wld/biocon.htm | |
75. Adventure Travel In US - Alaska From Mustgo.com The wildlife of the high north and Arctic includes both Black and Brown (Grizzly)Bears, Moose, Caribou, Wolf and the rare wolverine, while more Bald Eagles http://www.mustgo.com/mg2.nsf/20CE3ED9ED0AA5CD80256998005D9A9D/2F4172A8F76CE3CE8 |
76. CyberSpace Search! by animal! http//www.wildlifesearch.com; wildlife Search wolverineDirectory of web sites related to the wolverine. http//www http://www.cyberspace.com/cgi-bin/cs_search.cgi?Terms=wolverine animal |
77. CyberSpace Search! customerrated stores. http//www.bizrate.com; wildlife Search - wolverineDirectory of web sites related to the wolverine. http//www http://www.cyberspace.com/cgi-bin/cs_search.cgi?Terms=the wolverine |
78. Land And Wildlife Land Mammals as endangered by the Committee on the Status of Endangered wildlife in Canada. Beinga mammal of the boreal forest, the wolverine (qavvik), the largest of http://www.arctictravel.com/chapters/landmampage.html | |
79. Wildlife Protection And Conservation Organizations (Q-Z) The wolverine Foundation Comprised of wildlife scientists with a commoninterest in promoting the wolverine's status and ecological role. http://usparks.about.com/blwildlife-qz.htm | |
80. Wildlife Inexpensive hotel packages in Stockholm wildlife. Copyright © Kamerareportage wolverine.The wolverine is under threat of extinction in Sweden. http://www.sverigeturism.se/smorgasbord/smorgasbord/natrecspo/nature/wildlife.ht | |
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