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101. Permitconnect.Com The online solution to Web based permit processing for users of PTWin32 software. This site allows local government subscribers to carry out permit processing functions on the world Wide Web without having to maintain their own Internet domain or Web Site. http://www.permitconnect.com/ |
102. Bentley Bentley is a premier provider of solutions to government organizations around the world with a focus on providing a platform for planning, designing and engineering, operating and maintaining spatial assets. http://www.bentley.com |
103. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library Epidemiology Extensive listing and database of epidemiology subjects.Category Health Public Health and Safety Epidemiology...... government Agencies and International Organizations. Sweden Centre for Epidemiology,Sweden; Karolinska Institute. Switzerland world Health Organization. http://www.epibiostat.ucsf.edu/epidem/epidem.html |
104. Peter's World Domination Quest A world domination organization dedicated to the overthrow of all current world governments and the establishment of a totalitarian, Trotskyist, extremely bureaucratic new world government through political world domination. http://www.angelfire.com/il2/worldomination |
105. VPI Voice Politics International Seeking to determine if there is sufficient international support for world government, and direct democratic rule by the electorate, via the ballot box http://www.voicepoliticsinternational.com |
106. JETRO-Japan External Trade Organization Assists firms entering the Japanese market, publishes studies on Japanese consumer needs, demographics Category Regional Asia Japan Business and Economy Organizations...... Export to Japan. Standards and Regulation. Tariffs in the world. Statisticsand Surveys. Japan's Food Imports. Japanese government Procurement. And more http://www.jetro.go.jp/ |
107. FREEDOM ISN'T FREE! The 50year development of electronic devices which communicate with the brain and nervous system Category Society Issues Conspiracy Big Brother...... These devices have totally disabled the world's justice systems TO DATE, NO GOVERNMENTAGENCY HAS ADMITTED TO About Street Theater Alpha index Anyone Have http://www.raven1.net/ |
108. Big Brother Argues that government control has increased at the expense of individual liberties in the US and the world at large. http://www.shire.net/big.brother/ |
109. World Bank - NIPR New Ideas In Pollution Regulation For researchers, government officials, and citizens interested in understanding and improving control of industrial pollution, especially in developing countries. NIPR is the primary source for materials produced by the world Bank's Economics of Industrial Pollution Control Research Project. http://www.worldbank.org/nipr/ |
110. The Rodent Weekly The world's largest newspaper written by and for rodents receives no government subsidies whatsoever. http://bennyhills.fortunecity.com/hicks/236/ |
111. Advocates For Self-Government Libertarian polemics, as well as the home site for the Nolan quiz. Publishes a biweekly.Category Society Politics Liberalism Libertarianism Organizations......Contents. Home. About Us. Honors. world's Smallest Political Quiz. Take the Quiz.Results. About the Quiz. Free Software. Electronic Newsletter. Back Issues. SignUp. http://www.self-gov.org/ |
112. Royal Academy Of Arts And Sciences The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) advises the government on matters related to scientific research; judges the quality of this research; promotes the communication among scientists worldwide; and acts as an umbrella organisation for institutes engaged in basic and strategic research, scientific information services and biological collection management. http://www.knaw.nl/uksite/uk_welc.htm |
113. Intierra - Resource Intelligence Intierra is a new business, built on worldclass technology, which delivers a premium information and knowledge management service to resource companies, the investment community and government agencies operating in the global resources sector. http://www.intierra.com |
114. Outdoor Jobs / ColoradoGuide.com Environmental and outdoor opportunities from around the world nonprofits, government, ski resorts, park rangers, and outdoor guides. Free postings for employers. http://www.coloradoguide.com/careers/ |
115. Census Bureau Home Page Includes all data for the 1990 Census of Population and Housing, the US and world Population clocks Category Regional North America Census Bureau...... Business, Economic Census Help with your 2002 form · government · E-Stats 108thcongressional district data Pop Clocks US 290,528,832 world 6,281,682,608 22 http://www.census.gov/ |
116. Innova International Development Provides consulting to government and industry in developing nations, in association with agencies like the world Bank, and Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). http://innova.org |
117. Aleutian World War II National Historic Area Tells the story of the islanders evacuated by the U.S. government just six months after Pearl Harbor. Includes a special section just for kids with a survivor's story and coloring pages. http://www.nps.gov/aleu/home.htm |
118. Presentation Foreign Ministry Swedish Government Site includes a wide range of information on the Swedish MFA, Swedish foreign policy, Sweden itself Category Regional Europe Sweden government Departments...... world security permeated this year's government Foreign Policy Statement whichMinister for Foreign Affairs Anna Lindh presented to the Riksdag today. http://www.utrikes.regeringen.se/inenglish/ |
119. Rulers Of The World This site contains lists of heads of state and heads of government (and, in certain cases, de facto leaders who don't occupy either of those formal positions) of all countries and territories, usually going back to at least 1900. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/1058/rulers.html |
120. Flags Of The World Bermuda Current, historical, political, and government flags. http://flagspot.net/flags/bm.html |
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