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61. Alcohol Concern: Let's Drink To Your Health! A Self-help Guide To Sensible Drink Let's drink to your health! a selfhelp guide to sensible drinking.£9.89. (2nd ed.) Robertson, I. and Heather, N. (1996) This is http://www.alcoholconcern.org.uk/shopfront/product.asp?ProdID=159 |
62. Alcohol Concern: Let's Drink To Your Health! A Self-help Guide To Sensible Drink http://www.alcoholconcern.org.uk/shopfront/product-large.asp?ProdId=159 |
63. NBC 4 - 4 Your Health - U.S. Drug, Alcohol Rates Remain Unchanged Abuse was released Thursday by the US health and Human who had driven under the influenceof alcohol also dropped practical knowledge you can apply to your pets http://www.nbc4.tv/sh/health/stories/health-100506420011005-101019.html | |
64. NBC 4 - 4 Your Health - Girls, Boys Use Drugs For Different Reasons and young men to experience adverse health consequences, such addiction, 1 millionfrom alcoholism and alcohol abuse and knowledge you can apply to your pets! http://www.nbc4.tv/health/1959572/detail.html | |
65. Welcome To GulfMD.com - The World Of Health, Progress And Hope Find a Gastroentologist. alcohol and your health Weighing the pros and cons. Evenin small amounts, alcohol can have negative effects on your health. It can http://www.gulfmd.com/gastroenterology - alcohol/alcohol_pros_cons.asp |
66. International Students one of the most successful alcoholrecovery programs be diligent in maintaining sobrietyand emotional health. Check with your local AA for information about http://www.isep.org/intl_students/intl_health.html | |
67. Alcohol Does Not Protect Health - Alcoholism Contrary to previous studies, a new study of Scottish men suggest that alcoholhas no beneficial effects on health, from your About.com Guide. http://alcoholism.about.com/library/blhealth01.htm | |
68. Alcohol Does Not Protect Health To your health? of a new study, conducted over a 21year period, seems to contradictrecent reports that moderate consumption of alcohol has significant health http://alcoholism.about.com/library/weekly/aa990628.htm | |
69. Tenet Healthcare Corporation - Test Your Health In just minutes, you'll get feedback on your alcohol and substance use profile. YesNo, Has drug or alcohol use ever caused problems in your life? http://www.etenet.com/Apps/TestYourHealth/Alcohol.asp | |
70. ACSH: Alcohol Press Releases. Harm Reduction Topic of ACSH Symposium; To your health, or Maybe Not; Physicians and Scientists Agree that Moderate alcohol Use, Unlike http://www.acsh.org/alcohol/ | |
71. Your Health: Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center alcohol Study completed by Harvard School of Public health. Day on April 11 thosewith suspected alcohol problems will felt you should cut down on your drinking | |
72. Sermon Outlines | Alcohol, Good For Your Health? 10811. alcohol. alcohol, Good For your health? Proposition To counter the currentinfluence of the medical community with regard to alcohol. Introduction http://home.austin.rr.com/gewatkins/sermon_outlines/sermonsund/alcohol.htm | |
73. /beer And Health/ the media and scientists about the positive health aspects of reasonable beer consumption. POLL . Do you become irritable when the alcohol leaves your blood ? http://www.bierengezondheid.be/index_eng.jsp?Page=gehalte&Doc=gehalte |
74. Health Canada - It's Your Health - Reducing The Risk Of Breast Cancer Women who drink alcohol have a slightly higher risk. For more on quitting smoking,look up eQuit; It's your health - Mammography; For more information about http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/english/iyh/diseases/breast_cancer.html | |
75. Health Canada - It's Your Health - Screening For Colorectal Cancer The Canadian Task Force on Preventative health Care recommends and vegetables mayincrease your risk alcohol consumption alcohol, especially beer, may increase http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/english/iyh/diseases/colorectal.html | |
76. HealthCentral.com Cool Tools foods Chocolate Rhinoceros horn Ginseng Yohimbine Spanish fly Viagra alcohol your imagination Good overall health Stumped? http://www.healthcentral.com/cooltools/ct_sexrelationships/aphro_1.cfm | |
77. Olin Health Center - Body-Line your Question The category your question falls under alcohol and Other Drugs,Emotional/Mental health, Exercise and Fitness. General health, Nutrition, Safety. http://www.olin.msu.edu/bodyline-add.php | |
78. CNN - To Raise A Glass 'to Your Health' Or Not? - Oct. 18, 1996 for your health? Nearly three dozen studies suggest that a few drinks a week couldhelp prevent heart disease. Now, the government wants to know if alcohol can http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/9610/18/nfm/healthy.alcohol/ | |
79. MEDLINEplus: News By Topic Beginning With A 01/16/2003, Reuters health); Drink, Be Merry, Blame the Beergut on your Genes (01/16/2003,Reuters health); Also see MEDLINEplus alcohol Consumption. alcoholism http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/alphanews_a.html | |
80. MEDLINEplus: Alcohol Consumption alcoholism). General/Overviews alcohol and your health Weighing thePros and Cons (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research). http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/alcoholconsumption.html | |
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