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61. Exotic Pets - Snakes And Lizards And More As for my lizards I own have Ms. Thumb, Inland bearded dragons . I traded one of mybearded dragon's with my friend Paula and now have Maggie Thumb my bearded http://www.ericas-designs.com/reptiles/ | |
62. Critter Outfitter - Bearded Dragon The bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) is rapidly becoming one of themost popular lizards in the pet trade. A moderatesized lizard http://www.critteroutfitter.net/caresheets/bearded_dragon.html | |
63. Lizards lizards. MARCH 2003. 12 GREEN WATER dragon Physignathus concincinus,WC, JV, 25.00. 2 bearded dragon Pogona vitticeps, CB02, 55.00. http://www.gherp.com/gherp/pages/lizardstock.htm | |
64. Australian Bearded Dragons There is now a light at the end of the tunnel lizards! If a type of bearded Dragoncalled a P. vitticeps is purchased, then it can take the place of a dog or http://members.aol.com/lizardsite/dragon.html | |
65. Wyvern's Booklist: Lizards Book House; ISBN 1582450129. The bearded dragon Manual Philippe de Care and Maintenanceof bearded dragons Phillippe ISBN 1883463483. Handbook of lizards of the http://members.aol.com/TheWyvernsLair/Library/books-lizard.html | |
66. Systemic Monocytic Leukemia In A Bearded Dragon (Pogona Viticeps) A fiveyear-old, captive-bred male, bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) was evaluated ina naturally lighted multiple species exhibit with other desert lizards. http://www.vet.uga.edu/ivcvm/1999/Fontenot/Fontenot.htm | |
67. Webshots Community - Turtles & Lizards Entertainment. Community Pets Reptiles Turtles lizards. View Slideshow ViewGuestbook Invite Friends to This Album, bearded dragon. Goldie Sunbathing, http://community.webshots.com/album/13547381SQITgBFVOV | |
68. Common Bearded Dragon- Lamington National Park Movement Some lizards (especially the dominant males) regularly engage in a varietyof If approached, the bearded dragon will tend to remain still, relying on http://lamington.nrsm.uq.edu.au/docs/Rept/BEAR.HTM | |
69. Bearded Dragon Relatives Frill neck lizards. Breeding Female bearded dragons as PetsThe bearded dragon is a reptile and a good pet if you want. However http://teachit.acreekps.vic.edu.au/animals/bearded dragon.htm | |
70. Lizards The bearded dragon Pogona vitticeps PER PAIR A lovely little green lizards whichcan be kept in a frost free greenhouse, they will hibernate over winter and http://www.easyexotics.co.uk/shop/en-gb/dept_84.html | |
71. Bearded Dragon Rancho San Diego Animal Hospital 2988 Jamacha Road El Cajon Many types of substrates can be provided for the use in bearded dragon enclosures. canbe used as long as they are secure enough to keep the lizards in and http://www.rsdah.com/html_pages/dragoncare.html | |
72. Books Available At The Herp Shop of the authors' ongoing work with these lizards since 1984. A must for all dragonkeepers and beginner friendly THE GUIDE TO OWNING A bearded dragon, by David http://www.herpshop.com.au/Books5.html | |
73. California Zoological Supply | Lizards lizards AgamaPyramid Ameiva-Jungle Ameiva-Rainbow Racerunner Ameiva-Yellow Spotted Anole-CubanNight Anole-Green Basilisk-Brown-Sm bearded dragon-Baby bearded http://www.calzoo.com/lizards.html | |
74. Bearded Dragon Caresheet Due to their docile disposition , hardiness , and medium size , the Inland BeardedDragon is rapidly becoming one of the most popular lizards in the pet trade. http://www.sandfiredragonranch.com/reptiles/dragons/morphs.htm | |
75. Bearded Dragon Care Sheet bearded dragon hatchlings should be fed two to three times daily. I would also suggestthat you soak your dragon once a week in Return to the lizards Page Home. http://www.bright.net/~a1rep/a1bdcare.html | |
76. Hawg 'n Herp bearded dragon, Pogona Vitteceps, 100.00, 50.00. Water dragon, Physignathuscocincinus, 40.00. Frilled lizards, Chlamydosausurus kingi, £125.00. http://www.hawgnherp.co.uk/lizards.htm | |
77. Tk Reptiles Directory : Lizards » Bearded Dragons Directory » lizards » bearded dragons. dragonPlanet.com www.dragon-planet.combreeders of the Australian bearded dragon, pagona vitteceps. http://www.tkreptiles.com/search/Lizards_Bearded_Dragons.shtml | |
78. New Page 1 caudicunctus) African Fattailed Gecko Egging and Incubation (Hemitheconyx caudicunctus)Alligator lizards (Gerrhonotus) Alligators and bearded dragon (Pogona). http://members.shaw.ca/rhacodactylus/care_sheets.htm | |
79. Lizards Agamas (Red Head) - Adults N/a Anoles (brown) Adults N/a bearded dragon, , CBB 10 +, n/a. bearded dragon, -, CBB 13 +, n/a. Chineese Waterdragons, -, small, n/a. Collard lizards (Desert), -, Adults, n/a. Cuban Anoles, -,Adults, n/a. http://www.xtremereptiles.com/lizards.html | |
80. The Bearded Dragon : An Owner's Guide To A Happy Healthy Pet base of knowledge to the new bearded dragon owner calcium, keeping calcium from beingabsorbed by the dragon. to the development of these fast growing lizards. http://www.growinglifestyle.com/prod/1582450129.html | |
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