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1. Endangered And Threatened Marine Life Endangered Species. A Partial Listing of Pacific marine life endangeredor Threatened. Before a plant or animal species can receive http://www.projectpacific.org/endangered_species.html | |
2. US Nuke Reactors Killing Endangered Marine Life -DAWN - International; 24 Februa Focus on the planet and mainly on the marine life endangered by the http://www.dawn.com/2001/02/24/int16.htm | |
3. Endangered Marine Life Endangered Marine Life. On Sept. 28, 2000, the 2000 International Unionfor Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red http://library.kcc.hawaii.edu/praise/news/redlist.html | |
4. Books On Endangered Species: Marine Life - EndangeredSpecie.com endangered Species Books marine life. http://www.endangeredspecie.com/sea.htm | |
5. Lists Of Endangered Species: Marine Life - EndangeredSpecie.com Species will survive with YOUR help! endangered marine life. Sealion, Steller (=northern) (Eumetopias jubatus) http://www.endangeredspecie.com/states/marine.htm | |
6. June Swift - Botanist, Photographer, Naturalist Exploring Brier Island, Nova Sco The author and naturalist takes her visitors into remote areas of Brier Island to discover rare and endangered plants, birds and marine life. Offers a book, a gallery of photos by subject, bird and flower logs and educational projects. http://www.juneswift.ca | |
7. Hawaii Artist Ken Charon Ken's fantasy art illustrates a variety of images including Hawaiian landscapes, endangered animals and marine life, delightful portraits and thought provoking dreams in minute and colorful detail. http://www.charon-artfarm.com/ | |
8. Cross Stitch Designs By Couchman Creations Features original cross stitch designs of marine life, Australian, and endangered species. http://www.couchmancreations.com.au/index.html | |
9. Animal Index From Encyberpedia Animals, Plants and marine life. Biodiversity Birds of Prey, Bony Fishes, BottlenoseDolphins, Clydesdales, Corals and Coral Reefs, endangered Species, Gorillas http://www.encyberpedia.com/animals.htm | |
10. NOAA - Office Of Protected Resources Provides advice for national policy direction and conservation of marine mammals, endangered species Category Science Environment Biodiversity Conservation...... its marine life. As you browse the many facets of this site, be sure to check outour extensive electronic library of marine mammal and endangered species http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/prot_res/prot_res.html | |
11. Marine Biology, Sea Creatures, Marine Life, Ocean Biology...Research, News And M WWF endangered Seas ProgramWelcome to marineBio! is an evolving online tribute toall Ocean life. conservation, explore dynamic research or marine life news. http://www.marinebio.com/index.asp | |
12. S 768 -- Dire Threat To All Marine Life Try to make others aware of the danger that Senator Gorton and hiscronies pose to endangered species, and marine life in general. http://www.turtles.org/s768.htm | |
13. Proposed Section 403, Endangered Species Act Proposed Section 403, endangered Species Act. the legal gobbledygook, you can seehow this section in particular dooms all sorts of marine life, and marine http://www.turtles.org/s403.htm | |
14. Longline Fishing Threatens Sea Birds And Other Marine Life Fishing Threatens Sea Birds and Other marine life. and death ( bycatch ) of many marineanimals, including populations of threatened and endangered sea turtles. http://www.hsus.org/ace/15050 | |
15. Ananova - Scientist Warns Endangered Marine Life Is 'on A Knife-edge' Ananova Scientist warns endangered marine life is 'on a knifeedge'.New research warns more than a third of marine species most http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_521404.html?menu= |
16. Care2.com: Care2 Cafe Discussions! This is the place to talk about marine life and aquariums. marine Biology(1) *, haha.angel, 0208 2313, 02-08 2313 *. Save endangered Porpoise! http://www.care2.com/community/cafe/list.html?num=82&category_id=20 |
17. Best Endangered Species And Threatened Plants Websites comprehensive database of extinct, critically endangered and threatened our planet'soceans and the life they contain. The scope includes all marine ecosystems http://www.care2.com/channels/ecoinfo/endangered | |
18. Endangered Marine Life by Red Farms Studio Ages 6 and up more red farm studiocoloring books more arts crafts 2719292754 $6.50. http://www.toyboxligonier.com/enmarlif.html | |
19. Cyber School - Marine Life marine life. To notify us of links which don't work, type to Janeat email address links@readyed endangered Species 1 - Page 17. http://www.readyed.com.au/CyberSchool/CyberMarin.html | |
20. Animal Protection Institute - Marine Life Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in endangered Species (CITES). projectsthat have the potential to negatively affect marine life or cause http://www.api4animals.org/areas.asp?c=5&ID=57 |
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